Chapter 14

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Howard always said that there was no such thing as luck, it was all a matter of probability. Now, in Ivy's and Steve's situations, it was very likely that they would run into someone in the corridors. Of course, the distraction was outside, but that didn't mean there were no more soldiers inside the base.

"Hey, you guys! Stop!" the soldiers yelled and started shooting at Steve and Ivy from behind. Ivy only ran faster, holding her hands over her head. Fortunately, the corridor turned a corner, behind which Steve pulled Ivy as fast as he could. However, Ivy did not run any further. She stopped just beyond the corner, which also made Steve stop.

"What's going on? Did you get hit?" he asked worriedly, trying to find the reason why she stopped. He could hear the shouts and the loud footsteps of the soldiers coming closer and closer. They had to keep running or they would most likely end up dead.

"Go, I'll follow up with you " Ivy said. She knew that together they would not reach Bucky, not with the soldiers at their heels.

"No, forget it! I won't leave you behind!" exclaimed Steve sternly, shaking his head several times. Ivy sighed heavily and looked at Steve tensely.

"Bucky is the priority. And we both know we won't get far with the soldiers around the corner!" she said, looking pleadingly at Steve. The soldiers were getting closer. "Steve go! I'll be fine! Get Bucky! I'll come to you, but first I'll stop the soldiers!" Ivy said impatiently, pushing Steve deeper into the hallway. Steve sighed and looked at her conflicted. He knew she was right, but leaving her alone didn't seem like a good idea. Bucky would kill him for it, guaranteed.

"Come to us right away, you understand?" asked Steve, and Ivy smiled slightly at him before saluting sarcastically.

"Sure thing, Mother."

Steve rolled his eyes and quickly disappeared into another hallway. He really hoped he hadn't made a mistake with his decision.

Ivy's smile disappeared the second Steve turned his back on her. She turned around and focused on the cold. She knew the soldiers would turn the corner any second. She hated herself for that at that moment, but she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before letting the cold take control. She felt something cold in her hands and opened her eyes. They glowed a bright and menacing silver. Two sharp daggers of ice had formed in her hands. One of these two daggers she rammed into the chest of the first soldier who came around the corner. His eyes were wide as the piece of ice was bored into his heart and he slowly fell to the ground. Another ice dagger appeared in her hand and replaced the first dagger. His comrades began to shoot at Ivy, but she threw the daggers of ice at them, hitting some soldiers. A bullet hit her shoulder, but she didn't feel the pain. At least not yet. She ran towards the three remaining soldiers and knocked the first man's gun out of his hand with her foot, while her icy hand touched the second man's chest. The man froze to ice while Ivy threw a dagger at the third man, hitting his shoulder. He dropped the gun in pain and looked at Ivy with fear. The first man tried to attack her from behind and choke her, yet Ivy made an ice dagger appear in her hand and rammed it into his stomach, causing him to let go of her and stagger to the ground.

"Please! Have mercy!" pleaded the third man as he saw the five dead or half-dead soldiers lying on the ground.

"Did you have mercy with the soldiers on the battlefield?" Ivy asked back, not waiting for his answer. She threw the last dagger and watched as the last soldier fell to the ground.

However, as her eyes colored back and the cold retreated, Ivy fell to the ground as well. She covered her mouth with one hand as tears streamed from her eyes. Her shoulder burned with pain and blood trickled onto the floor. Her eyes, however, were on the six dead soldiers on the ground. Blood was dripping from their wounds and their eyes looked at her lifelessly. Ivy closed her eyes and squeezed them tight, on the verge of screaming. She didn't want to do it. She didn't know what she was doing. The cold and the anger that came with it did. She was not a monster, not a killer.

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