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Do what we say, come fall in line
Now youve had two its booster time
Just one more jab and you'll be free
Trust in me and just in me
I swear two more years down the line
You wont be sent for number nine
Now you've had two why cant you see
Youve got to boost your imunity
Back up to where it used to be
Before you put your trust in me
Do what we say come fall in line
Now youve had three its booster time
Dont you want your freedoms back?
This new strains killing more than last
I swear this one will be the last
All it takes is one more jab
Its so contagious cant you see?
You're needing four now you've had three
Youve got to boost imunity
Back up to where it used to be
Do what we say come stand in line
Now you've had four its booster time
The passport that you used before
Is no good now youve had one more
Just one more jab should more than do
Come stand in line like you always do
You need this proof to buy your food
To protect you from suspicious fools
Its their fault that this illness spread
They're to blame for the numbers dead!
Do what we say come stand in line
Now you've had five its booster time
Now you're all locked up in qaurenteen
Enforced by police and military
To save you from this cruel disease
Just one more jab and you'll be free
Just one more jab why cant you see
Please come and put your trust in me
Dont you want your freedoms back
All it it takes is one more jab

VERSES FROM BENEATH THE VEIL.... vol 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang