Murder Game

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it's a murder game
breathe poison air
it's such a shame that no one cares
a game of minds
to keep you blind
so you dont see the genocide
the posion foods
we're forced to eat
they take our cash
because the posions cheap
the childrens souls
the suits have sold
from the lower class
who hold no gold
its class
the only true divide
it's not in black
it's not in white
it's not in religion
breed or kin
it's the financial status
you're born within
so keep on fighting your fellow man
keep fighting just the way they planned
show them they're the puppeteers
who pull your strings as they laugh and jeer
show them you're  their willing slaves
that your mind is theirs to use and rape
show them all how weak you are
go turn on your neighbours near and far
what ever you do dont ever stand
together as one all holding hands
because if you did you might just break
the years of mind controling hate
because if you did you might just see
the freedom that you crave to see
so dont react just turn away
and be a willing pawn to play

VERSES FROM BENEATH THE VEIL.... vol 1Where stories live. Discover now