Tip The Scales

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Tip the scales its past high time
To veiw this world from out my eyes
To veiw this world from inside me
Im not as a crazy as i seem
Is it so crazy that i say
That we cant trust the games they play?
A man lays freezing in the cold
Where their homeless spikes keep scoring goals
Or the old and frail who choose to eat
But sacrifice the warmth of heat?
Or Prescribing patients pills that kill
So big pharmas pockets can over fill?
You'd best be quiet dont dare to speak
Or he might see the things u see
She might just glimpse beneath that veil
Their well laid plans then sure to fail
Look around society
Come tell me then that i cant see
Dissect the the things the people say
Within this game they make us play
Does it sound right they fight for peace?
That sounds more like hypocricy!
Making weapons brings more war
So Its an oxymoron and not much more!
Come veiw the world from out my eyes
Then come tell me im walking blind
See the things each day i see
Unshackled slaves belive theyre free
Connect the dots and the picture comes
If they say to walk then you need to run

VERSES FROM BENEATH THE VEIL.... vol 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora