Gakushu was angry. Angry at himself for rushing Karma. If their roles were switched and he suddenly had to open up to his rival it would obviously take some time before he did or even considered it. He just didn't want their time to be over before it started. He didn't want to be too late.

He didn't know how long Karma had and he felt like he had to do something. To get somewhere.

But, he guessed, he had. They had. They were sort of hanging out. And they were talking more. That had to count for something.

Gakushu still wanted to know everything. Perhaps more than he should. He felt like he would snap for real if Karma didn't tell him soon. He was getting impatient to the point where it was hard to mask. That has always been one of his weaknesses.

But maybe for Karma he could hold on for a little longer? But alas, so many exceptions were made for Karma. And Karma only.


Asshole: You look like the Cheshire Cat.

Karma's eye twitched.

Me: Wtf do you mean i look like the fucking cheshire cat?

Asshole: Your smile.

Karma swore that the next time he saw Gakushu he would slap his perfect face until it wasn't so perfect anymore.

Me: So youre saying that my smile looks like that of a fucking pink cat?

Asshole: Yes. Pretty much.

Me: Yours looks like one of a sales pitchman of a falind busines in florida keus who relaly needs to step it up fir his csreer and this is his finsl chane to closw the deal so he forces his best fske smule but in hus eues you can see the fesr and sorroe becaseu if he faisl not only is his job gone vut so is his wife and kids

Karma quickly typed a response, not caring about how bad his spelling was. Not that he really did either way, Gakushu would most likely understand him anyway.

Asshole: *failing *business *Florida *Keys *really *for *career *final *chance *close *fake *smile *his *eyes *fear *sorrow *because *fails *but

Asshole: I'm not sure whether to be offended by that, appalled by the spelling errors, or confused.

Me: Bitch does this sound like something you shouldnt be offended by?

Asshole: I mean, it's kinda true.

Karma was fuming. He was so angry at the lack of reaction from Gakushu and the fact that pretty much all he did was correct misspelled words.

And if he was being honest, Karma didn't actually think any of that. That was more or less something he wanted himself to think. Gakushu's smile was perfect. Even if it was fake. It was barely distinguishable from his real one. And Karma was kind of jealous that the strawberry blonde's was flawless and his looked as fake as a stupid cat's did.

Me: Im goign to fucking block you

Me: And dont correct my spelling

Asshole: You wouldn't block me.

Me: You never know

Me: Maybe one day i actually will and youll regret it

Asshole: I highly doubt that.

Gakushu had to admit that Karma's description of his smile was amusing to say the least. He honestly didn't know why the redhead took so much offense to pretty much being told his smile looks like a crescent moon. It was just one of those random thoughts he had and thought he'd share with the boy.

Karma somewhat reminded him of the Cheshire Cat, always playing tricks, always joking around. You could never tell if he was lying or not. Gakushu himself just went by what he felt. And he was, so far, always right. He felt like he had accomplished something. He had been able to get closer to Karma than anyone had.

That had to count for something. But it wasn't like he was really doing something. He wasn't beneficial to Karma in any way. If anything, he was probably more of a hindrance.

I won't allow you to die, Akabane.

Word count 1239

School has been so fucking stupid lately. There's literally no time to do anything. Honestly I get sidetracked too easily for shitty homework.

Enjoy your day/night.

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