Chapter Seven

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AN: I am SO SO sorry for this taking so long (TWO MONTHS!!). I've under a lot of stress lately, and I just took my midterms last week, so I've been busy. I tried to make this one a teensy bit longer, with great emphasis on tried. I also plan on updating the next chapter within 1-2 weeks. (Keep in mind, whenever I give a timeframe when the next chapter will come out, extend that by a week or two because I'm a LIAR.) Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Newt's teacher would not shut up.

Give him monotonous worksheets. Give him an essay. For the love of God, give him homework if that was the only alternative. But do not give lasting for the entire class period and expect him to absorb every last bit of information like a nerdy sponge.

But his Social Studies teacher had decided to do just that. Of course, this led to Minho's immediate boredom. And what did he do when he was bored? Bother Newt, the poor, innocent guy just trying to learn about every case of imperialism known to man.

"I'm bored," Minho stage-whispered to me from his desk.

Newt cocked his eyebrow at him. "That's the fourth time you've told me that in the last minute."

"I don't care," he whined. "I'm bored."

" 'I'm bored' count: Five."

"Shut up."

Newt shrugged. "You asked for a cure to your boredom."


"Young men in the back!" Newt's teacher "shouted." It was more of a croak, but he decided to be nice and consider it a shout. "Quiet down before I send you up to the principal's office."

His teacher would be more likely to get punished than them if they were to Mr. Abernathy's office, but that was something all their teachers liked to pretend wasn't true.

"Sorry, sir," Newt and Minho recited.

Minho turned back to Newt the second their teacher looked away.

"I did not ask for any sort of cure to my boredom. I was just stating that I was bored." Minho held up his head proudly like he had won that argument.

Newt rolled his eyes. "But that's what you were implying."

"Stop." Minho held his hand up into Newt's face. "I'm done with this conversation."

Newt laughed and looked back at his teacher. It wasn't long, though, before he felt his chair jerk suddenly like it had been kicked. He jumped in surprise and looked up to see a head of familiar brown hair.

"Oh, sorry-" Thomas seemed to realize whose chair he had bumped into. "-oh, never mind, if it's you I'm not sorry," he proclaimed before walking out of the classroom.

Newt's teeth clenched in annoyance, a revenge plot already forming in his mind. He heard Minho sigh next to him, "Newtmas: The Rivalry That Never Sleeps." Newt looked over to see him dramatically cradling his head in his hands, careful not to touch his hair.

"Oh, what do you have to complain about?" Newt snapped. "It's not like it affects you in any way."

Minho raised his head from his desk and gave Newt his best are you dumb? wait, no, why am I asking? you are a total dumbass face.

"Alright, alright." Newt rolled his eyes. "It affects you occasionally."

Minho swiveled his head toward the security camera in the back of the room, giving it his best The Office face. Newt rolled his eyes again. Some people never change.

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