Chapter Two

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Thomas had a Science Test in three days.

A very important Science Test.

A Science Test worth .2% of his grade.

So, basically, getting a C on the said test would kickstart the end of the world.

Or at least that's what his parents thought.

He was lying on the couch with Teresa, watching TV with their textbooks propped open on their laps. She was half-dead from boredom, and Thomas was starting to feel the same way.

"I'm tiiiiiired," she whined, clicking off the TV. "Can we stop?"

Thomas shook his head, putting his textbook on the coffee table so Teresa could lay her head in his lap.

"No," he sighed. "We need to study."

She pouted. "We've been studying for two hours! If I study any longer, my brain is literally going to explode." She tapped her head. "Do you want to clean up that mess?"

Thomas glared at her, but a smile ghosted his lips. He could always count on his best friend since third grade to turn his frown upside down.

"Fine." Teresa sprung up, cheered, and danced on the carpet. Thomas rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to go sleep," she stated, retreating down to her room.

She moved in with him and his parents a few months ago, after she told her parents she was lesbian. It was hard at first. She stopped going on field trips, to the doctor, or anything that required their signatures. But luckily, she had turned eighteen recently, so her family not providing for her wasn't illegal anymore.

Thomas's parents had wanted to call child services on them, but Teresa stopped them. She didn't want them to suffer. Even after everything, she still loved her family.

And that was why she was his best friend. When she cared about someone, she would be loyal to them until the end.

His dad walked into the room, staring down at the abandoned textbooks on the table. He scowled. "Why aren't you studying? Don't you have a science test?"

"I've been studying for the past two hours, dad. Me and Teresa needed a break."

His dad glowered at him. "Fine. But make sure you get back to it soon." His gaze softened. "You're doing good in all your classes—I'm proud of you. Just please try to keep your grades up where there are. If you do, there's no way you won't do anything but excel in the future." 

Thomas silently nodded. His father wanted what was best for him; Thomas knew that. And he was always so gentle about it, too. So, with that in mind, he sighed and picked his textbook back up. Satisfied, his dad walked away.

AN: I edited it because I basically figured out that hey—I really made you hate Thomas's dad! And originally, that was my plan. Thomas's parents were supposed to be total dicks, and it would be a big part of the story and the base for the climax. But THEN I had a way better idea. (Here's a tip: brace yourself for this new climax. It's gonna hurt.)

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