Tailing the group she and Kuroko and earning their trust by pretending to be a helpless girl, Mikoto was led to a small open space out in the back where she engaged in battle with their leader who the boys called Aneri.

She was a tough fighter, her Terrakinetic abilities pushing her to the offensive.

That was, until she unleashed her full power. Which fried the power to District 7.

"Kuroko wont be liking this."


Kamijou sincerely wanted to find whoever cut out the power and give'em a good ol' socking to the face, since now the sewing machine was not working anymore. Plus he had not a manual machine around, so now he had to stitch up the mask by hand.

"Fucking... ow shit!" Pricking his fingers Kamijou slowly stitched the lenses on the mask. Which was hard enough considering the darkness surrounding his room. He had to go outside and use the moonlight to see his work, and it still was a fucking hassle.

Grabbing a cotton ball and placing antiseptic he gently rubbed it on his finger, with the enhanced healing factor finishing it all up.

"There you go, all better. Now, back to work... unfortunately."

It had taken him a while; it was already around 11pm by the time he finished. And the continuous pricking of his fingers didn't help.

But, at last the mask was finally complete. It looked great, if he does say so himself.

And good thing he chose red, otherwise the small blotches of blood would've been obvious.

He wore it over his head, and after making sure it was comfortably placed around his head he opened his eyes.

'A slight yellowish tinge on the lenses, but it'll do.' He yawned suddenly as fatigue settled in.

"I should probably get some sleep," he said.

Then an idea reached his mind. He looked out the balcony.

"Maybe a test run would be nice." Grabbing the red hoodie jacket and putting it on he got out of the balcony.

A few couple of meters stood inbetween his dorm and the building in front of him. If someone had jumped from the top of the building in front they've hit the ground faster than they could land on someone's balcony in his dorm.

He reached out his hand, looking at his wrists. Remembering what had happened before, the web he had created...

It was reckless, stupid even, however... his healing and durability would surely take much of the damage, right?

Touma doubted it.

But, it was a test run. This was his first night, and now was as good a time as ever.

He only had to remember how to release the web.

He took a deep breath... and...

He leaped off the balcony!

Normally a regular person wouldn't be able to reach the top roof of a building, even when being able to leap up one feet into the air.

But Kamijou wasn't regular anymore.

With his spider-like strength he leaped up to the top of the roof like a flea up to the fur of a cat.

He had never felt so much power from a leap that high, yet the adrenaline had rushed throughout his body.

The tingling still persisting he ran to the edge of the builidng he was on, and leaped again.

Jumping rooftop to rooftop he continued his trek on top of the rooftops. He jumped and jumped, performing manuvers and flailing his body around as he trys to stick each landing.

A Certain Misfortunate SpiderWhere stories live. Discover now