Chapter 14

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"Wow that's great news!" Mrs. Zhang said to her daughter that evening. "Yaxuan is really a great guy for you to go to the dance with."

"I know!" Dongyu answered happily as she helped her mother with supper, cutting the carrots.

"Zhenyuan did you hear that!?" Mrs. Zhang turned to him. He was sitting next to the counter but was focused on his cellphone.

"What?" he raised his face from the cell phone.

"Yaxuan's going to the dance with Dongyu, it's so sweet. Dongyu was always worried about who she would go with."

He forced a smile. "That's great." he started to feel absolutely guilty. It was obvious that Dongyu was smitten with Yaxuan, who happened to be his new boyfriend.

"Where is Yaxuan anyway?" Dongyu asked curiously.

"He's in my room, he was fixing it up. Let me just go check on him." Zhenyuan used it as an excuse to leave the room and not look at his sister whose heart he was unfortunately breaking by engaging with a boy she had a crush on.

Zhenyuan went up the stairs then into his room. He found Yaxuan folding up some clothes and putting them in the closet.

"Hey," Yaxuan greeted him happily.

"Hey are you sure this is a good idea?" Zhenyuan sat down on the bed. "I feel bad, Dongyu really likes you."

"You know what I think is bad? Pretending I like her back." Yaxuan tossed one shirt in the closet temperamentally. "She'll be more heartbroken when she realizes that I never even liked her to begin with."

"You were supposed to like her for real but you just messed things up!" Zhenyuan complained.

"It's okay." Yaxuan decided to change the subject. "I can be sleeping in here now right?"

Zhenyuan chuckled. "I guess. No noise though, I really need my sleep."

Later that night when it was almost 10pm, the two boys started to sleep. Zhenyuan had convinced himself to feel a little less guilty. After all, when he first started building Yaxuan, he was supposed to be for him. He only made him Dongyu's at last minute. But who in the world falls in love with their own creation anyway?

Zhenyuan was already drifting into sleep when Yaxuan's voice interrupted him.

"Hey Zhenyuan, is there...?"

"No Yaxuan! I'm trying to sleep!" Zhenyuan immediately answered.

"I know but I just really need to ask. Is there anything that particularly makes you sad? That day I went to get a gift for you, your mom said something like you're always looking after other people but don't really care about yourself."

"Oh," Zhenyuan sighed. "I'm fine. There's nothing really. Maybe except Xuan's death but I'm learning to accept that."

"Ah," Yaxuan nodded. "Would knowing who murdered him make you feel better? Make you love me more?"

"Murdered?" Zhenyuan asked in surprise. "No. He was hit by a car, it was a hit-and-run accident."

"I mean sort of, but it's obvious he was murdered."

"Why would you even say that?" Zhenyuan turned to Yaxuan angrily. "What is wrong with you?"

"I'm saying the truth. People that age rarely just die okay? And there's never been a hit-and-run in this town according to the information I know. In fact car accidents are very rare because there's few cars in this town, people prefer bikes and buses. So what I'm saying is it seems too un-coincidental to be a coincident."

Zhenyuan started to think over Yaxuan's words. Could someone have actually murdered Xuan? The mere imagination brought chills down his spine, but it was a possibility he couldn't rule out.

"Well can you find out who did it then?" Zhenyuan asked him, putting trust in his robot instincts.

Yaxuan nodded. "I guess I'll try." 

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