Mark Zuckerberg eats solid food

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Oh joyous day!
I finally get to try my first solid food! I've been waiting 37 years for this day. Perhaps I will consume oatmeal or steamed vegetables. So many possibilities!

Finally, my butler has brought me my nourishment. Thank you, butler. Goodie, it's steamed carrots!

 Goodie, it's steamed carrots!

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(Mfw I get to try human food)

I'm currently lifting a spoonful of carrot into my face cavity.

*slurping sounds*

Oh my goodness. Such flavor is new to me. I believe this feeling is called joy.

I will be feasting on this scrumptious vegetable again in my future!

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