Deimos: Well, I got bro issues.

Agoti: Bro issues?

Deimos: Yeah... Our parents are long gone, man. I only had him for a while, until one day I decided to say "f*ck you" because he now thinks he's the god of everything. Like, f*ck bro, he treated me like I was his slave, not just me but everyone around him.

GF: Jeez, remembers my dad...

Tabi: Just now...?

GF: No, since you broke up with me...

Mrs. Sidorov: (walks in with a board) Ok, kids, have some mini bagels. (places the board on the center table)

Tabi: Oh, I don't remember having these in quite a while. (grabs a bagel and eats)

Mrs. Sidorov: You know, Tabi, I have lots of questions about... (looks worried to his skull) That...

Tabi: Oh, it's... *sigh* a long story, mom.

Mrs. Sidorov: Oh... Ok... (seats) So... *sigh* I actually don't know what to say, it was a big surprise to have you here all of a sudden.

Tabi: Hehehe, I know, I should've warned...

Mr. Sidorov: You ran away from home, why would you warn?

Tabi: Oh... right...

Agoti: *sigh*

Meanwhile, with Garcello's group...

Garcello: (looking around) Hmm...

Edd: So, huh... What have we been searching for exactly?

Annie: McDonald's.

Matt: (picks his phone) Shouldn't we-?

Annie: No GPSs. Finding it by ourselves makes part of the fun of exploring Russia.

Edd: Yeah, I understand, but I'm pretty sure we'll get lost like that... No offense... 

Garcello: I'm pretty sure it's that way. Come on.

Edd/Matt: *sigh* (look at each other)

Meanwhile, with Rasazy's group...

Carol: Here it is, the ice rink!!

Whitty: Aaand... how do we get in...?

Rasazy: Hmm, maybe that lady can help us. (walks nearby the lady) Извините меня [Excuse me]????: (looks at Rasazy) Hmm?

Rasazy: Вы знаете, мисс, как мы можем попасть на каток [Do you know how can we get into the ice rink, miss]? 

Vivian: Конечно. Ты должен иметь дело со мной. Меня сейчас зовут Вивиан [Certainly. You have to deal with me. My name is Vivian by the way].

Whitty: Wait... Vivian? You're Tabi's... Ex-ex girlfriend?

Vivian: W-Wait... Do you know Tabi?

Whitty: Yeah, we came to Russia to him present Agoti to his... parents... You ok?

Vivian: Where is he?

Back, to Sidorov's house...

Deimos: And then we-

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