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Ashley's pov
I woke up and decided to freshen up and make breakfast for us, I made pancakes with scrambled eggs and coffee just the way he likes it, I decided to call my mum and she was happy to hear from me, I called my mother in law to to greet her.
I called Nicole and gave her a piece of my mind and all she could do was laugh like a mad woman and tell me to give her the juicy details, I just hung up on.

I was busy arranging the dishes when Damien came down
I want to say I was sorry for sleeping off on you like that yesterday and it wasn't my intention and you don't have to cook for me, I have someone that does that already.

Well apology accepted and I will cook for my husband if I want to okay so have a seat and eat, I demanded.

Yes Mrs Sinclair I'm going to seat now boss.

Good and I couldn't but blushed hearing him call me Mrs Sinclair it feels so real now, I hope we are always happy.

So Ashley before I forget I have an event I want us to attend together tomorrow evening, it a ball for a charity event and all my business associates and press will be their, that way we can make an appearance as a couple

Okay but I don't have what to wear,
I already bought you a dress you just have to wear it and look pretty, don't forget if anyone ask you just tell them how we bumped into each other, and fell in love and the rest was history from there, nobody has to know it a contract marriage okay.

Okay! you don't have to remind me I thought bitterly

I'm so nervous I hoped I looked good in this dress, I'm so nervous this is the first time I will be facing his business associates as his wife and not his PA, I'm so nervous right now.

My God Ashley you looking so stunning, I will have a hard time chasing the guys away from you tonight.

Well I'm married to you so I don't think I can look at any other guy,
well you better don't cause you are mine he said and pulled me into a hot searing kiss
And you are mine too I said and don't ruin my lipstick I told him.
Well I'm going to ruin and tear this dress off you when we get back,
I looked down and I thought I can't wait too.

Few minutes later the guy that said something about a shy beauty the other day that almost made Damien angry the other day, came up meto when Damien left to speak to some investors, I didn't want to speak to him but I don't want to look rude.
What is a pretty lady like yourself doing alone and you looked more beautiful than the last time I saw you, you are now Mrs Sinclair no wonder Damien said you were off limit
I smiled as I remembered that day and that was when Damien came and dragged
we are leaving he says, bye pretty lady shouted the man whose name I can't remember.

Damien didn't say anything all the way till we get home, he keeps gripping the steering wheel hard and I'm scared cause I don't know what happened to him
Will you talk to and let me know why are you behaving this way I asked him but his still not saying anything.
I decided to shut up and looked out the window hoping he will talk when his ready.

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