Interview iii

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                              Ashley's pov
'Hello are you here for the interview she asked me, yes my name is Ashley can I see your application, I need to make a copy to give the boss  I nodded and hand her the papers, she made a copy and gave it back to me.
The boss is getting ready for the interview which will begin in 5 minutes, please have a seat we walked to the waiting room the women here all had a heavy makeup on and were dressed in very short skirts and very high heels. As I sat down they looked over to me in digust and whispered I took a seat in the back and sighed.
Alicia came back and spoke, good morning ladies and gentlemen the interview will start now she called the first name and the lady stood up and she back after three minutes with tears streaming down her face, As more women and men were called they all came back upset and the guys have an angry scowl, I felt so nervous I wanted to run away, if these women couldn't get the job what chances do I have I thought.

Ashley McLane, I looked up and sighed Mr Sinclair will see you now I stood up and followed her cautiously, I opened the door to see a man looking down reading a file.
'E-ex-excuse me Mr Sinclair? I'm her-e- here for the interview, he looked up and I gasped

Omg I'm finished it's you omg you are the CEO can the ground just opened up and swallow me now, I'm dying with nerves and anxiety now
You can have your sit when you are done with you little show of madness or just stand there for the whole day, ye-s-yes sir thank you sir.
It says on your resume that you graduated last year on the top of your class, ye-s-yes sir, impressive, so why do you think you deserve this job.
I think I deserve this job sir because I'm an hardworking person and I can work well under pressure and I also meet all the requirements of the kind of person you are looking for and I'm also a fast learner, hmmmm okay my secretary will let you know if you get the job, so you can let yourself out, OK sir I would also like to apologize one more time for the other day, I blushed remembering the incident, he smirked it fine you can go thank you sir.

I breathe out as I got outside, I was so nervous but I'm sure I did well in the interview, I called Nicole to let her know that I just finished the interview, yes I will resign from the caffe if I get the job, yes thank you love.

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