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                              Ashley's pov
I was finishing up at the coffee shop when I receive a text from DS Inc saying I got the job and to resume by 8am tomorrow, omg I'm I seeing correctly, I screamed so hard and was jumping around while people were looking at me like I'm crazy, Nicole had to rush out,Ash what happen are you okay, Nicole guess what? I got the job omg I got the job at DS Inc I got it yayyy, we started jumping and screaming together I'm so happy for you, what should I wear what I'm going to do, calm down okay we will sort it out, we are going to your place now and find something for you to wear.

okay we got to my place and I'm so nervous and we started rummaging through my clothes to see what I can wear, I bought out a black dress and showed Nicole, nuh uh you are not attending a funeral, try something else, five minutes later I showed her a white turtle neck gown that reached my knee, okay this is it, it's going to bring out your curves, pair it with that ankle boot I got for you on your birthday and then you are good to go, thank you so much Nic I don't know what I will do without you, yhyh just don't forget me when you hit it with that hot boss of yours, I chuckled you know that's not even going to happen I blushed, his way out of my league I'm just going there to work and do my best, I know you will be okay Ash, anyways enough of this sappy stuff just make sure to introduce me to any of his rich hot friend she winked I just laughed.

Nicole it late come and start going I pushed her out and she was laughing hysterically, bye baby girl goodnight yeah bye.

I decided to call my mum first and tell her about the job and she was so happy for me after praying for over 30 minutes, I called my sister too and she was so happy and proud of me.
I set the alarm for 5:30am so I can wake up early and not be late I also decided to go to bed early.

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