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                                  Ashley's pov
I woke up at the sound of the alarm, I went to the bathroom to do my business, I packed my hair up in a ponytail and just drop two strands in each side, I was filled with nerves and anxiety, I wore my clothe and paired it with an ankle boot, I'm not a makeup person so I just applied a gloss and powder on my face.
I checked the time and I still have 1 hour and 30 minutes left, I decided to make myself a pancake and coffee for breakfast so I won't start the day without breakfast I finished my breakfast and cleaned the plate.
I packed my phone, purse and laptop with other essentials in my bag and lock up the door when I was done. I walked down to the bus station and enter the bus, when I get to the office building I was full of anxiety I entered the building and the security guard ask for my ID he cleared me and let me in, I entered the elevator and pressed the button for the last floor the door opened few minutes later and I stepped out and went to Alicia's table, Hy good morning she looked up oh Ashley right yeah, good morning you are exactly on time I think you will do well cause the bus hate tardiness, you can go in and let him know you are here, I knocked his door, come in good morning sir, ohh miss McLane you are on time, yes sir, okay you can meet Alicia so she can explain to you what you will be doing and show you your office, then bring me a cup of coffee when you are done. Yes sir so you can leave now.
Hy Alicia he asked me to meet you so you can explain the basics an requirements to me, okay you are to reply emails, pick his calls, schedule his meeting and inform him.okay and this is your office, you may decorate it anyway you want.
This is where you do most of your work, your computer is set up with all of the company's documents, files, emails etc you will also also receive a complimentary company iPad and laptop with the same contents of those on the computer, now you can check his schedule for the day and inform and he like his coffee black with no sugar. Thank you so much Alicia you welcome dear,
I gave him his coffee and read out his schedule for him, okay you know what set the boardroom for the meeting,okay sir

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