Chapter Nineteen

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If you are wondering I did skip one episode mainly because it was pretty boring & didn't tie in to what I was doing for this story just giving you all a heads up!

n the planet of Dahro a rogue clone runs off away from the Empire trying to make them lose sight of him but he fails and falls to the ground in the middle of a forest after being stunned.

As the Marauder glides through hyperspace heading back to Ord Mantell Omega tries her best to fix Gonky while Hunter spins around his knife which surprised you and Omega who tries to join in, Hunter smiles back at her. “Being held, it’s… Rex.” Echo says alerting Hunter and the rest of you to go join the rest of the batch up front. “Hello boys, sorry to cut right to it but I could use your help.” Rex says over the hologram. “What do you need Captain?” Hunter asks. “I received a distress signal from a clone trooper but I’m a bit tied up at the moment to retrieve him.” Rex says. “You want us to recover a reg?” Hunter asks. “He’s an old friend, and he’s in trouble. I need you to get him out.” Rex replies as Omega and you both look at Hunter. “Out of what exactly?” Hunter asks. “Can’t talk right now, sending you his signal, I’ll be in touch.” Rex says as he ends the hologram. “What was that about?” Wrecker asks. “A distress signal sent by CT-99576 is originating from Dahro, a planet off in the outer rim with no known settlements or installations.” Tech adds. “What’s he doing all the way out there?” Hunter asks. “Does it matter?” Echo asks. “We’ve gone on missions without very much intel this would be stretching it.” Hunter replies. “Rex wouldn’t ask us for help if it wasn’t urgent.” Echo replies. “Echo’s got a point.” Wrecker adds. “May I remind you that we are in the middle of a job for Cid, if we deviate we will not be compensated, no money, means no food.” Tech adds. “Oh yeah, Tech’s got a point.” Wrecker says. “But Rex’s friend is in trouble, that’s more important than getting paid.” Omega says. “Oh the kid’s got a point.” Wrecker says. “Wrecker, I think we get it. We all have a good point of our own.” You add. “Fine, we’ll check things out. I don't like it.” Hunter says as Tech sets the course.

On the gloomy planet of Kamino more troopers enter the area working on the Empire's plan while Rampart watches from a distance with Crosshair approaching him from the side. “The operation is ahead of schedule.” Crosshair says as the leader of Kamino listens from behind. “Good, assure every viable clone is mobilized.” Rampart orders. “&, the Kaminoans?” Crosshair asks. “We have our orders, keep an eye on him, until the time is right.” Rampart finishes as they both walk off on their separate ways.

When the batch arrive on Dahro they land low in the tree line not being seen & you all exit pointing your blasters around the area surrounding you all. “The signal is coming from that direction.” Tech says pointing onward and you all follow behind Hunter & Tech. “The beacon should be right ahead.” Tech adds as Omega runs up to a log & finds it. “So, where’s this reg?” Wrecker asks as you look around searching for any clues, Hunter does the same. “We’re already too late, the clone was being hunted, he was dragged. That way.” Hunter says as you all follow after him. “Hang on, There’s something here. Inside that mountain.” Hunter says. “I believe you are right, my scans are being jammed.” Tech adds. “You said there was nothing on this planet.” Wrecker says. “That data appears to be inaccurate.” Tech replies. “Wrecker, Y/N, & Omega wait on the ship.” Hunter orders. “Wait why can’t.” Omega pauses. “Coming here wasn’t up for debate this isn’t.” Hunter orders as Omega, you, & Wrecker head back to the ship while Hunter takes the rest of the crew to climb up the mountain & find what their looking for, more likely who they're looking for.

“This looks like some sort of military base.” Hunter says. “Not one I’ve ever heard of.” Tech adds as they all drop down as a shuttle flies low overhead to land. “C’mon, let’s get a closer look.” Hunter says as they all get further into the base area & look. “I’m seeing a couple of commando’s squads of clone troopers & they’ve updated their armor.” Echo says. “Let me see.” Hunter says. “The mountain's weird composition makes this base more mortified & nearly impenetrable.” Tech adds. “This is no longer a simple extraction, let’s get back to the Marauder, leave & wait for Rex.” Hunter orders but Echo disagrees. “But what about the mission?” Echo asks. “We do not know for certain if CT-5576 is even in there. Or if he is still alive.” Tech says. “We’d be going in blind without any reinforcements.” Hunter adds. “You did that on skako minor when you rescued me I’d still be trapped in that place if you hadn't. If there's a chance that that trooper is being held against his will, we have to try to get him out.” Echo says as Hunter & Tech agree & go on the mission while Omega & Wrecker play games while you watch them.

As the batch hop on one of the shafts they blast the troopers inside & sneak around the base trying not to get caught. “Anything?” Hunter asks. “Look, the encryptions new this might take awhile.” Echo says as Hunter watches for any troopers. “This doesn’t make any sense. The thing here reports 50 clone commando’s & a thousand TK troopers.” Echo says. “TK trooper? I’m not familiar with that designation.” Tech adds. “How much longer?” Hunter asks. “Almost got it. Found him, cell block 25, 4 levels down.” Echo says as they make their way down 4 floors. “You CT-5576?” Echo asks as soon as they find him. “That depends, who’s asking?” The clone asks. “Rex sent us.” Hunter replies. “In that case, the name’s Gregor, now let’s move out.” Gregor says as they make their way back up. “They gather for inspection, there’s no way past them.” Gregor says. “We can’t reach the lifts, we can’t get out of here.” Echo says. “I can redirect them.” Tech says. “I like that, I take it your CT’s like me.” Gregor asks. “CT-99’s.” Hunter tells him correctly. “Defective clones? If you ask me, it's the ones who want to stay here that are really defective.” Gregor says. “What was your assignment?” Echo asks. “I was an instructor…” Gregor pauses as suddenly all the alarms go off. “What’s going on Tech?” Hunter asks. “I keyed code 16 to redirect their forces, I don’t know what happend!” Tech says. “Clone codes don’t work here, it triggered the security alarm.” Gregor says as suddenly the batch & Gregor get themselves into a blaster fight, midway through the battling Gregor is shot & the batch find an escape route through the vent system, after they gave Gregor time to recover Hunter alerts the rest of you in the Marauder to request a pickup & you all get their finding the rest of the team with Gregor & you help everybody on while Wrecker battles & Omega tries to handle the ship the best she can. After everyone was on Tech regains control of the Marauder & dives blaster shots while Hunter jumps onto the Marauder trying to reach & grab a hold of the ship but fails & falls. “Hunter!” Omega yells as Echo pulls her back while Hunter tumbles & falls while Tech battles ships in the sky above.

After Hunter reached the ground he regained consciousness & found himself in a trap surrounded by Clone Commando’s and TK troopers. “Get the ship out of here! I’ll find another way back.” Hunter orders. “Negative, the order to escape are not in your favor!” Tech says. “Go Tech, that’s an order!” Hunter replies as Tech has a moment of worry & fires up the engines preparing for the jump to lightspeed. “No! Turn around! We have to go back for him! Hunter tell them to come back, order them to come back!” Omega asks of Hunter as you try to contain Omega. “I’m sorry kid, I can’t do that.” Hunter says as he gives himself up to the Empire & they take him to a cell.

When the Marauder finally reaches hyperspace Omega sits alone in her room on the ship worried about Hunter while you also worry about him but struggle with your inhibitor chip that you still haven’t told Hunter about & now you can’t even tell him because he’s not there with any of you. “Y/N, are you alright? I know Omega is dealing with this worse than you.” Echo says checking in with you. “I’m fine, things like this happen all the time… we just don’t….” You pause in your words as you reach your hand up to your head that is pounding. “Y/N? What is it?” Echo asks as you struggle to say anything back to him. “Hey, Tech, I need you back here, it’s Y/N. '' Echo says as Tech comes over, letting the ship fly itself through hyperspace. “How long has Y/N been having these headaches, they’re very similar to how Crosshair’s & Wrecker’s were when…” Tech pauses. “What? You don’t think Y/N has an inhibitor chip do you?” Echo asks. “It seems to be that way, well we can’t get in contact with Rex we have a bigger problem to deal with right now. We just have to keep Y/N contained & in an area safe where Y/N can’t harm any of us.” Tech says as he returns to flight deck.

Back on Dahro Hunter sits alone in a cell pondering & thinking about everything but looking up to see Crosshair in front of his cell opening the cell. “I had a feeling I’d see you here.” Hunter says. “I was hoping for the whole squad, but you too.” Crosshair says taking Hunter onto his own shuttle taking him to Kamino, the planet that Hunter didn’t think he would be returning back to.

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