Chapter Four: New Case

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" I arched an eyebrow up to the coroner but he didn't turn to face me.

"I-I can't find any blockages in any of the major arteries," he states, before gripping the heart, and twisting it slightly, breaking it from its position in the body, and ripping it clean out and holding it in his hand. I also saw Dean gag at the action, finding this kind of repulsive. "Heart looks pretty damn healthy. Hold that for a second, would you?" He hands over the heart to Dean, who reluctantly took it.

"Man after my own heart," I remarked, gaining the attention from Dean, but I also saw Sam smirk at my comment. However, out of nowhere, the coroner cuts something else in the body, which releases a spray of blood, hitting Sam square in the face.

"Oh, sorry. Spleen juice," I held back a snigger by pressing my lips together tightly, as Sam's eyes were forced closed, but he tried to open but couldn't dew to the blood running down his face. Dean also held back a laughter that was forming in his throat, but he pushed it down, not wanting to show a level of unprofessionalism.

"I'll wait for you boys outside," I kept my American accent up, before my heels clicked against the floor once again, leaving the men behind, and for them to clean up.

About five minutes later, Sam and Dean exited the morgue, and a red patch was clear on Sam's face, as if he had sandpaper scraped down his cheek. The tapping of my foot echoed throughout the corridor, alerting them both that I was still here, and to the left of them.

"Winchesters', I told you we would meet again," my fake American kept up the cover.

"What's with the shoddy outfit?" Dean announces, as both men stopped in front of me, eyeing up my choice of outfit. While he extended his hand and waved it up and down.

"I think I look quite sexy in this," I leaned back onto the wall smoothly, and bit my bottom lip seductively, eyeing up Dean for a moment. He seemed to squirm under my gaze, but didn't let it show fully. "I got a whiff of the bodies piling up, so, I came," I pushed myself off the wall, and came to stand back in the straight position. "But if you guys want to go at it alone. I could always-" I indicated with my index and middle finger a walking gesture.

"No, we could do with some help," Sam states, not even consulting with his brother on the matter. Dean pulled a face like when did he decide on letting me work with a case with them.

"To the Sheriff's office we go," I didn't allow the Winchesters' a chance to speak, as I swayed my hips forward, and walked away from them. My heels clicking against the marble, echoing me out. I felt their burning gazes into my back, wondering if it was a good choice to allow me on.


In the Sheriff's station, the boys sat on chairs, waiting for the Sheriff to come out and see them. I, however, chose the option of sitting on the table that parted the chairs, meaning I was sat in-between the boys. My leg was cocked over the other, my back up straight as I made direct eye contact with the Deputy, feeling his gaze on me for a moment. Before it shifted from me to Dean, the Deputy smiled at him. Boy crush...

"Hell's bells," the door to the Sheriff's office swung open to reveal the Sheriff. "Linus, have you seen my," he cuts himself off, noticing the boys and I. Which made us all stand to our feet, ready to meet the Sheriff. "Who are they?" He spoke walking out of the confines of his office.

"Federal agents. I, uh"

"And you kept them waiting?" Sheriff cuts Linus off, and cocked his eyes to him.

"You, you said not to disturb," Linus was just following orders that he received from his commanding officer.

"Come on back, Fellas," the Sheriff waved his hand towards him, indicating us to follow him. I'm assuming that I would be allowed into the Sheriff's office. The boys walked towards the Sheriff, as I was left dumbstruck for a moment before catching up. However, the Sheriff holds up his hand, stopping us from entering. "Shoes off... And your secretary can wait out here," he states, locking eyes with me. I was lost for words, clearly it was still a man's world. I opened my mouth to speak and gave him a peace of mind.

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