🦋The Start of a Bright Future🦋

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I placed a surprise is this prologue for my readers

A golden butterfly flies against a young (s/c) girl of five with (short/medium/long) h/c hair while tickling her tiny cheek before resting on her nose before flying around her then away. She wore a cute white and light purple dress with a light pink rose behind her ear ran pass her friends, Agustin and Felix laughing happily as she chased after the beautiful butterfly.

Her giggles were caught by a boy her age whom was hiding behind a tree shyly as he looked over at the girl with his hazel near green eyes filled with wonder while she followed the butterfly as it danced around the girl.

???: "She's so hermosa...." He whispered softly til a energetic pair of hands span him around to his sisters: Pepa and Julieta smiling at him.

Pepa: "Whose's hermosa, Bruno?" She asked smiling widely as the sun looked like it was shining brighter.

Julieta looked over at whom her brother was looking at to see the girl whom was dancing amongst her own friends til Julieta tugs on Pepa's sleeve.

Julieta: "Pepa, Pepa look." She said smiling at her siblings while Bruno has a nervous look on his face.

Pepa looked where Julieta was looking to see the other three children, two boys and a lone girl before looking over at Bruno and nodded towards Julieta. The two sisters each took hold of their brother's shoulders to push him towards the village square.

Bruno: "Wait, wait, Pepa, Julieta, stop!" He said freaking out while digging his sandals onto the brick road before suddenly tripping flat onto his face. "Ow...."

???: "Are you okay?" A cute voice asked as Bruno slowly sat up rubbing his nose to relief the pain til he looked towards the voice to see the girl he was looking at from a far for a while. "Hi, I'm Y/n and you are?" She asked while holding her hand towards Bruno.

Bruno: "I-I am Bruno." He said nervously as he hesitantly took hold of her hand while looking into her bright e/c eyes as she lifted him off the ground to see Felix talking to Pepa and Julieta talking to Agustin.

Y/n: She smiled brightly at Bruno and took hold of Bruno's other hand to pull him towards her friends. "I believe we're going to be great friends, Bruno." She said honestly before hugging him tightly while unknowingly making the boy blush as his sisters giggled at his face.

Soon that very night, Three Madrigal children were given gifts of healing through homemade food, controlling the weather through emotions, and finally the ability to see in the future from sight and sand from their family's miracle. And the other three children grow up beside each other smiling, laughing even while the girl always found a way to see the Madrigal Triplets. She became Julieta's taste tester when she was learning new recipes to heal others, She helped calm Pepa and was always there for her to talk with a cup of tea, Finally if the girl wasn't found with the Madrigal sisters then you'd find her beside Bruno with a tiny bowl of salt and a bag of sand to help him out even telling his adults whom didn't like their future.

Y/n: "Fate always has a chance of changing, it's up to you how you take it when it comes or go forward."

She'd always say making the adults stop being upset with Bruno whom was just using his gift to try and help before taking Bruno's hand to go to the same tree where Bruno used to hide behind. The two children sat down beside each other as Y/n gave Bruno a tiny bag smiling happily. Bruno looked at the bag to slowly open it up to find a woven leather bracelet holding a hourglass charm on it, he looked up at Y/n to see ribbon choker around her neck holding the same hourglass charm making him smile happily at her.

🦋More Than A Madrigal To Me: Bruno Madrigal x Y/n🦋Where stories live. Discover now