Chapter 3: Jane the whore

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In port, at a merchants, Jane purchasing clothing for herself.

Jane had accepted her fate; to try to run away in this lawless pirate port was no escape at all.

"I will present as a woman, Captain, but not in a dress."

Alesso made no quibble. His lust had grown strongly over the last three weeks and she looked daring and beautiful in her breeches, boots and seaman's blouse. She no longer flattened her chest with a bandage and her breasts stood proud.

Alesso was not a particularly pleasant man, but Jane was able to maintain some measure of control over him because of the strength of his desire for her; and she felt that being the Captain's whore may provide her with an opportunity to establish some authority.

A snide remark from one of the seaman gave her the chance she wanted. She called him out.

"The Captain will not be happy if we spill blood, so let us use these staves as wooden swords."

The sailor sneered and charged. She tripped him up and then proceeded to kick him in the groin, whack him in the ear, poke him in the stomach and force him to drop his stave with a crack across the knuckles. He yielded.

Jane fixed him with her dark eyes, "From now on, my lad, you will address me as Miss Jane. Do you understand?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Miss Jane."

"Good lad. Now go and see the doctor and get him to check your hand."

The crew were impressed, but more importantly, as time passed, she earned their respect with her obvious knowledge of ships and sailing. She became Miss Jane to them all.

Capt Jane Holst, pirateWhere stories live. Discover now