Chapter 2: Captain Alesso

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"A girl," the Captain exclaimed, incredulous. The doctor explained.

Alesso glared down at the wounded Jane lying on the narrow bed. He grabbed the sheet covering her and wrenched it down.

"Well, so it is."

Jane made no attempt to cover herself or to retrieve the sheet. The doctor quickly pulled it back over her.

"How extraordinary. Now, what shall I do with this rare find?"

Jane could see that Alesso was more amused than angry. Was that good?

"Let me see, toss you over the side and be rid of you; lock you in the fo'c'sle for the crew's pleasure; or keep you for myself."

"How far are we from land?"

"Too far for you to swim, girl."

"I'm a good swimmer."

"You have got some spirit, haven't you?"

Jane had grown up on boats and ships. Her mother had died when she was a baby and she had been raised by her father who was a master of various sea craft over her life. Along with her basic education, he had taught her navigation and the arts of seamanship - river, coastal and ocean. He had also instructed her in the use of weapons - knives, swords, muskets and canon.

At age seventeen, disguised as a boy, she had gone off to naval college, against his better judgement, but with his good wishes.

While she was at the college, Jane had been raped by three youths, fellow cadets. They didn't penetrate her disguise, they simply assumed that she was an attractive boy, shoved her face down on her bed, ripped her breeches down and taken their pleasure of her.

She didn't report them for fear of being exposed. They did it again, so Jane got herself a knife and they didn't do it anymore.

Then came her fateful voyage on The Blue Wind.

"Would you treat me well?" Jane demanded of Captain Alesso from her sick bed.

"As well as you deserve."

"There are conditions."

"Hmmm. How long before she is better, Doctor?"

"Two to three weeks, Captain."

"We shall be in port by then, so I will wait."

Capt Jane Holst, pirateМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя