𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑑𝑟𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑎 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝐼𝑠𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝑆𝑤𝑎𝑛

Comincia dall'inizio

"Aro's is called Maddox and mine is called Axel. Axel is particularly possessive over you my dear" Marcus said, smiling at her.

"And I have control over Maddox, it takes a lot for him to appear" Isadora nodded in understanding.

The four mates sat in a comfortable silence as Isadora began to read a book while Caius began to sketch her as she read. Marcus and Aro were looking over some legal things.

Suddenly Aro sighed dramatically. Isadora jumped and looked up at him.

"We have to go to trials" he said as Caius groaned.

"Would you like to come, mia amore?" Aro asked her as she flipped a page in her book.

"That's not a good idea, but I will be right here when you return"

"That could be hours from now. When we are finished we will send Felix to get you and bring you to us" Marcus said and kissed her cheek before leaving. Caius was next and pecked her lips and speeding off. Aro smiled and kissed her passionately before heading to the throne room.

Isadora looked around the library and smiled as she saw many old books. She picked an old book that was actually in English and sat on the sofa and began to read.

As she read, she smiled as Santiago and his friend Heidi came in and sat with her.

"Hey Santiago" she smiled

"Hey little human. This is Heidi, my beautiful mate" he smiled

"My Queen. It is so nice to finally meet you" she bowed.

"Oh please, you don't need to do that, call me Isadora or Isy or Dora" she insisted. Heidi nodded

The three conversed happily as Santiago made jokes, making both  girls laugh

"I dont think I like the idea of jumping from building to building. My brothers would throw me over their backs and jump from tree to tree. I don't think that's my scene" she shivered

"If you jump off a cliff and yell parkour, it isn't suicide it is just a failed stunt-ow, that hurt!" Santiago looked to his mate with an offended look.

"Why on Earth would that come to your mind?" She asked.

"I get bored and google shit when you get dinner so it's your fault that I have all of this stuff in my head" he accused.

Heidi turned to Isadora.

"Men. I swear if we didn't have the kings it would be caos" she laughed

Marcus stood at the table in the throne room, blankly staring at the pages of the ancient scriptures as his mind wondered to Isadora. She was like a blessing. She seemed to bring out the best in them all.

Caius was calmer, though he did have an outburst here and there.

Aro seemed to be sociable and would sit in peoples company and actually listen and engage with people

And Marcus, well he had always known she was their missing piece. He had seen their bond for centuries and finally when she was born he knew she would help him feel complete.

Marcus smiled as he felt Isadora's arms wrapping around him from behind. He turned around and kissed her head.

"You looked sad and I don't like seeing you sad." Isadora said as she hugged him again.

"I can never be sad with you in my arms" Marcus said before kissing her lips. Isadora pulled away, causing Marcus to frown

"You've just fed haven't you?" She asked. Marcus nodded, confused.

"I can taste the blood and as I am not a vampire I can't see the appeal" she said with a shrug. Marcus chuckled

"One day you will love the taste of my lips after I have fed" he purred, making her shiver. Isadora blushed and was stolen by Aro, who sat on his throne with her on his lap.

"I haven't had much attention and I feel quite neglected" Aro pouted. Isadora looked guilty and kissed his cheeks and hugged him.

"I'm sorry my love" she said sadly.

Caius and Marcus glared at him as he went to speak.

"Aro you cannot make our mate feel guilty about not spending time with you." Marcus said with a frown

"And are Marcus and I not good enough for you?" The blonde huffed

"As I was just about to say, I was only joking, I couldn't ever feel neglected with all of you in the same room as me. Your presense alone could satisfy me for centuries." Aro spoke honestly, making his three mates swoon even harder.

They all gathered around Aro's throne and purred happily.

Their moment of bliss was interrupted by a voice yelling Aro's name.

The doors burst open to reveal a female version of Aro.

"Aro Iphitus Timais Volturi! How dare you not introduce me to my new sister?!" The woman yelled as another woman walked in, pointing to Marcus.

"You too Marcus Crios Volturi!"

"Hello little Anthos kerasiás (Cherry blossom). I am Didyme, Aro's sister. We spoke on the phone with Athenodora, but this is the first time we have met formally."

"And I am Didyme's mate, Sulpicia. Marcus' sister. How long have you been here?" She asked

"Around four days" Isadora answered honestly. Caius covered his ears as her other two mates took in an unneeded breath.

"Four days?! Aro Iphitus Timais Volturi!σύντροφός σου είναι εδώ τέσσερις μέρες και δεν είχες τους τρόπους να μας γνωρίσεις. Είναι η οικογένειά μας τώρα! Πού ήταν κατά τη διάρκεια των δοκιμών και μην τολμήσεις να πεις τη φωλιά σου!! (your mate has been here for four days and you haven't had the manners to introduce us to her. She is our family now! Where has she been during the trials and dont you dare say your nest!!) Didyme yelled, pointing to Aro, who looked down ashamed.

Sulpicia was glaring at Marcus. Instead of yelling she just glared at him.

"Come on Isadora, you can spend the rest of the day with us." Didyme said and pulled Isadora away.

Caius looked to his mates and laughed at them. Idiots.

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