Jealousy, Jealousy *SMUT*

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"Hey, Jake! You said you needed to talk to me, right?" You jogged up to the brown haired boy, who was sitting with Horace under the shade of a tree.

"Oh, hey, yeah. I wanted to discuss something with you." He stood and greeted you with a hug, which you returned briefly before pulling away.

"Sweet. Let's get inside where it's a bit more private." You started walking and he hurried to fall into stride beside you. "Now, Alma will expect me in the kitchen in," You paused to check your watch, "Sixteen minutes and forty seven seconds, but until then I'm all ears." You sat him down in the parlor and smiled at him, though you noticed an unusual change in his behavior.

He seemed to be lost in thought, so you scooted a bit closer and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Everything okay, bud?"

"Yeah. Yeah, everything's great actually. I just wanted to tell you that- um. Where do I even start?" The sixteen year old stopped to collect himself, and you looked at him curiously. By now you were growing a bit worried. "Okay, so. I know you're like, physically twenty eight? I think that's right. And I'm only sixteen. But I felt like you should know that I have really strong feelings for you, and- And I would very much like to kiss you." You took his hand and smiled sympathetically at him, parting your lips slightly to tell him that you were flattered but no, you were taken, far too old, and just generally not interested... But he must have taken it as a good sign and leaned forward, quickly connecting your lips.

Your eyes widened and you stiffened in shock, unable to react for a hot minute. When he didn't feel you kissing back, he pulled away, cheeks red with embarrassment. You each opened your mouth to say something, but were both cut off by the soft clearing of a throat.

"I was going to see if you wanted to spend some time together, y/n, but I see that you are quite busy." Your name fell out of her mouth like a bit of rotten fruit. Miss Peregrine stood in the doorway, her arms crossed and mouth curled into a slight frown.

Your girlfriend.

"Alma, I-" She cut you off before you got to explain, holding up a taloned finger.

"Save it." And with that she left the room, leaving you to chase after her, leaving the horrified boy behind.

"Alma, please, let me explain!" You followed her upstairs, into the hallway, pleading with her the whole way. Finally she had enough, turning around right in front of the door to your shared bedroom, fire in her eyes.

"There's no explaining to be done. What you did was unacceptable. Not only are you supposedly mine, but you were kissing someone underage! One of our own wards, no less." She hissed. "I never thought you would do such a thing. I trusted you. I suppose that was a mistake." By this point, she had composed herself again, and that was what scared you most. She was no longer showing you her emotions.

"Alma please, it's not like that."

"There is no 'not like that'. You do not platonically lip lock with a friend. Especially not when you have a girlfriend that loves you." She wasn't having it, and you reached forward to grab her hand, but she yanked it away, cradling it protectively to her chest. "Absolutely not." She turned on her heel and stormed away from you, shutting the bedroom door with a thud. You reached for the handle, but dropped your hand when you heard the familiar click of the lock.

"Fuuuuck." You leaned against the door, sliding down to the floor. "Baby, please let me in. I want to talk about this." You called.

"No. Go about your business, and don't you dare call me that again." You heard her stern voice crack and you let out another stream of quiet curses. You knew you were in deep shit when she didn't scold you for cursing, as she always did. You stood and leaned your forehead against the door, trying the handle, but it was locked as you knew.

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