~Chapter 11~

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As it turned out, Jimin was the last one of the members who needed to get photos taken, so they all helped gather equipment and load it into the vans when he was done.

Jungkook couldn't help but steal glances at Tae, wondering if he was going to stay true to his word, and not tell anyone else what they had talked about on the pier. It was nerve-racking to say the least because every time he talked to another member, Jungkook couldn't help but sweat a little thinking he was yammering about the 'new gossip'.

As he was throwing the last of the carrying cases into one of the vans, he felt a hand on the middle of his back; Jimin.

"Hey, you." Jimin said in a sort of private voice that was new. It was low and intimate and made Jungkook tummy flop around with little butterflies.

The warm fuzzy feeling was short lived, however, because the soft tone Jimin had just used only made him feel guilty for spilling their secret. Jungkook unconsciously pursed his lips and deliberately didn't look at him. He thought for sure that he wouldn't be able to keep the worry off his face, and didn't want Jimin asking him questions when they didn't have time to talk fully about the conversation he had with Tae.

"Hey." Jungkook closed the back doors a little too roughly.

"Thanks for letting me use your jacket today. You're really a lifesaver. I still feel bad though, were you cold?" Jimin asked, sweetly concerned about him.

The guilt bubbled up even more with his hyung being so kind to him.

"No, it's fine. You were cold and you didn't have one so, you know..." Jungkook said nonchalantly in an attempt to keep his voice normal even though he was all messed up inside as they walked around the van to the side door.

He felt Jimin's fingers wrap around his bicep and pull him around to face him. "Hey is... everything okay?" He asked, the sweetness in his voice replaced mild concern.

Still unable to look at him, Jungkook pulled his arm out of his grasp. "Yeah, come on. Let's just get out of here, okay?"

"Okay...?" The reservation had not left Jimin's voice, and Jungkook automatically knew that he hadn't heard the last of it.

Why did he have to be such a terrible liar? If he was better at it, he wouldn't be in this situation at all. He would have been able to keep their secret. All he could think about was how he had betrayed Jimin's trust.

Jungkook sat in the back of the van with Hobie closest to the window, Jimin in the middle and himself nearest the door. Everyone was excitedly talking about the photoshoot and how pretty and cold the day at the ocean had been.

"Thank goodness that's over! Fewww!" Jin said with an overdramatized shiver from the second row.

"Yeah, at least the pictures we took turned out really good." Jimin chimed in positively.

"Well ours did," Taehyung turned to speak to Jimin from next to Jin. "Don't worry, we don't expect a lot from you Jimin-ah." He added, clearly making fun of his appearance.

"Eat shit." Jimin scoffed, crossing his arms with disdain. "Just you wait. ARMY will be too busy drooling over me to even notice that piece of seaweed stuck in your teeth all day." Jimin shot back at him, turning his nose up.

Hobie laughed out loud as Tae stuck his tongue out and turned back around. Jungkook noticed him picking at his teeth from the side, trying to make sure Jimin was just messing with him.

"It would have been nice if it were a little warmer, though." Jin replied, ignoring Jimin and Tae's usual bickering.

Tae turned around again. He had a sneaky smile on his lips as he spoke. "Good thing our Magnae is so generous and gave you his jacket, Jimin. Too bad he didn't bring more for the rest of us."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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