~Chapter 1~

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A soft noise pulled Jungkook part of the way out of the deep dream filled sleep he was having. It was one of the dreams that was so wonderful he tried desperately to keep his eyes closed and continue it.

He blearily imagined, in his state of half sleep, that he was laying very still in order to fool his consciousness into thinking he hadn't woken up yet. Maybe then, he would be able to go back into the dream and kiss Jimin in the rain one last time.

If he could go back to sleep for just a second he could wrap his arms around him again and hold him close. He would run his fingers through his wet hair over and over and look into his beautiful eyes forever. Oh how he wished he would never wake up.

But unfortunately dreams are not reality, and his body would not do as he commanded. He stirred again, disappointed and annoyed that he could not continue his pleasant dreams. There was something else that was annoying. When he moved his body again, he felt an achy stiffness in his limbs like he had slept wrong. So wrong, in fact, that he felt as though he had been tied into a pretzel during the night, or perhaps run over with something the day before.

Now almost fully awake, he also realized his head was pounding with a headache and his body felt like a furnace. Great, not only had he been torn our of his wonderful dreams of Jimin, but also he had to wake up with a fever.

Jungkook moved again, there was no point in pretending any more and he tried to stretch his achy limbs and take fuller stock of himself. When he did, he unexpectedly came into contact with something in his bed. Slightly confused, he wondered if he had he left a pair of shoes in it when he had fallen asleep. It wouldn't be the first time.

Finally, he opened his eyes, blinking sleep away a couple of times as he looked around. At first he wasn't sure what to make of the sight. Where were his posters of G-Dragon and I.U.? And why was the walls grey instead of blue?

His breath caught and his eyes bulged. He wasn't even in his own room! Immediately, he gripped the bedspread in his fist and lifted the covers so he could see what was in the bed with him.

Jimin was sleeping soundly and curled up into a little ball against his side.

Jungkook threw the covers back down over him in utter shock. His mind raced, trying to figure out what had happened last night and why he was in Jimin's bed with him instead of his own. His foggy morning brain and splitting headache were not making it easy for him to make sense of anything at the moment.

He peeked under the covers again, checking to see if he had seen an illusion or if it was real. Yep, Jimin was still there next to him.

His mind began putting things together. Last night they had fought in the practice studio. Jimin had told him that he liked him, but then they argued again and Jimin left. He had gone after him, but it was raining and he got lost. After multiple attempt of trying to get a hold of Jimin, he eventually picked up and told him where he was.

Jungkook still vividly remembered Jimin's crying face when they finally found each other out in the dark. 'I like you so much it's terrifying! I don't know what were going to...'

They had kissed, epically in the rain.

Jimin stirred next to him, stretching a little under the covers. There was an uncomfortable moan and a an 'Ouch' that came from him as well.

Jungkook held his breath, not sure of what to do or what was going to happen next.

Abruptly, Jimin flipped the comforter back off of them both. "God, is it so hot!"

Jungkook starred at him in shock, still unsure if he was real or just a figment of his imagination that his pounding, feverish brain had made up. He had to agree with ghost Jimin, though. The sickness was making his own skin all sweaty, and his blood feel like it was boiling. He reached one of his hands up and put the back of it on his own forehead. Sure enough, it was quit hot.

The Story of Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook Part 2Where stories live. Discover now