Chapter 56-2018-Friday-Broken

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It was Friday when the Fisherman decided to send Benji home. 

He got everything he needed from the boy.

Now he needed to move.

When Tucker had dropped off his prisoner van, and saw Benji, he thought that was where the Fisherman was keeping him.

Tucker was wrong. Very much wrong.

Benji had discovered something he wasn't suppose to see. Originally the Bounty Hunters were suppose to bring their captives to the New York Compound.

That plan went out the window when Benji was released from his bindings 2 days ago. He had allowed the boy to walk around his main office but he didn't allow Benji beyond the locked door behind his desk. The boy listened at first. The Fisherman watched as the boy hacked to a local news station asking for help. The Fisherman had put a stop to that. The boy was given a warning. Then the boy's curiosity got the better of him. Benji picked the lock on the door behind the desk. 

What he had seen had made Benji sick.

Benji had guessed his plans. The Fisherman had planned to treat Jack, Woods, Lexi and Patrick as if they were dogs after the Fisherman breaking the 4 down.

The Fisherman had punished Benji (See Chapter 39).

So when he had spoken to Woods via skype, the Fisherman had just release Benji from his punishment. 

Now it was time to send the boy home.

The Fisherman called Tucker Larson. 

Tucker agreed to take Benji 'home'.

Benji was placed in the trunk of Tucker's Civic and Tucker drove off.

********The Safe House************************************

Mandy was pacing anxiously back and forth, waiting for Tucker to return.

They had been talking about how they would rescue Benji if the Fisherman didn't release him.

That's when Tucker got the call.

*********3 hours later**************************************

Tucker unlocked his trunk. 

The boy was asleep. 

Tucker picked him up and placed him over his shoulders.

Tucker closed his trunk and went inside his cabin.

Inside Tucker laid Benji on the couch. 

Mandy went about removing Benji's gag and ropes.

When he felt some one touch him, Benji jumped.

"Don't touch me!"

Mandy stepped back with her hands up.

"Sorry Benji I didn't mean to hurt you" Mandy said.

Benji looked at her warily. Then he looked at Tucker.

"I saw you. You let him hurt me. Why didn't you help me?"

Tucker looked ashamed.

"I couldn't. If I did, I would have been punished as well. Plus Mandy was waiting for me"

"Why did you lie to him?"

"He told me to take Mandy home. But I knew if I did, the Fisherman would get her again"

"Saved her?"

Tucker nodded.

"Ok sir"

Tucker and Mandy looked at each other.

This wasn't Benji.

Her Benji was strong. Had  he seen something?

If so what was it? What ever it was it troubled her.

This Benji wasn't her Benji. 

This Benji was haunted and something had broken him.

Her Benji was still lost.

Benji was broken.

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