Chapter 19: 2005:The Same Day

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Mr. and Mrs. Demars received the call first and then Mr. and Mrs. Finn.

It was every parents nightmare. Their kids had been kidnapped by a well known serial kidnapper who seemed to disappear as soon as the FBI came to investigate.

So when Detective John Miller called them to the park that their kids played at, what they had prayed would never happen had happened. 

Unlike the kidnapped kids from the last 2 years, this time there was physical evidence. 

The police had found Lexi's still filming camera and for some reason Woody's left shoe. 

Woody must have struggled, the Detective thought.

What was he suppose to tell the family?

"I'm sorry but your kids were kidnapped?"

"They were what Detective?!"

John Miller froze in shock. He hadn't realized that the parents of said kidnapped kids were behind him.

He slowly turned to face the Demars and Finns. 

"Debbie! (Don't know the real name of Woods Mum) How is Marcus settling in?" Miller asked

The Demars had just adopted the boy they had been fostering for over a year.

15 year old Marcus now Demars had been adopted yesterday afternoon. Woodland had been very excited to tell Lexi Finn about his big brother. But when he had gone over to see his best friend, she hadn't been home. The Finns had gone out for dinner.

That's why Woody had been in the park with Lexi. He was going to tell her about Marcus. 

Marcus had been crushing on Lexi for awhile now. 

"John Miller, my little boy is missing and you are asking about my other son!" Debbie shouted at the Detective.

"Mark is doing fine John. Now tell me about Woodland" Mr. Demars said.

John sighed.

"We know who has them. We have more evidence than the last time. We found Lexi's camera still rolling. We also have a description of his van this time thanks to Lexi's camera. We also think your son struggled because we found one of his shoes"

Mr. Demars muttered something about his son's failed attempts at tying his shoes correctly.

"We put out an Amber Alert for both kids and the van. A call has also been placed into the FBI" The Detective went on.

Frank Finn who followed the story of The Fisherman, knew what was coming next.

"My only child is gone."

In someway  he was right. The FBI placed the Demars and Finn case in the cold case file, 3 weeks and 2 hours later. It was longest investigation into the Fisherman ever because there was more evidence to follow.

As for Marcus Demars, he cried for the boy that had been not only his brother but his best friend.

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