I closed my eyes momentarily, suffocating in thoughts of his strong and rough hands on my body. Grazing my skin. Pulling at my clothes.

Shit...get it together. 

I didn't care whether he liked me for my body or my actual self, I just needed him near me. I wanted to taste his lips, kiss his neck. Fuck, the sparks drew hot lines on my body just thinking about it. 

Wherever we were going, I needed them to get there fast. 

My pulse was loud in my ears as the car slowed. 

"Grab the bags," Zion breaks the silence. 

I snapped out of it, watching as we stopped in front of a large villa-like estate. Liam gets out of the car first, walking towards the trunk to take out the luggage. 

I wait for everyone else to move, not wanting to get in anyone's way. 

My mind was in a constant loop of the same thoughts. He took over my brain. 

I shook it off as I stepped on the paved driveway, trying to get rid of the uneasy feeling crawling at my feet. I turned towards the large home, lips parting in shock. 

Chiseled white-quartz pillars held the front part of the building up, standing tall and bright against the fixture of lights. An arched door was positioned in the middle, creating a grand entrance. 

Just as I went to move towards the house, a hand caught my arm. 

My head spun around to reveal Zion staring down at me, his grey eyes purging into me as usual. 

"Follow me," he spoke quietly, nodding his head back toward a separate garage. 

I keep my face straight as I hurry after his fast-paced figure. I actually wanted to go to the house, it seemed interesting. I bet it's nice and expensive in there...

Speaking of homes, I wonder where Zion's father stays. I know he's somewhere in Italy, but I doubt Zion would take me to the house of the person who killed my mother.

"You're lucky you have someone like Flynn," he stated, walking us down a pathway that led to the garage building. He wasn't looking back at me as he spoke, so I couldn't see his facial expressions. 

"Why do you say that?" 

He stopped in front of the large metal door, this time turning to face me. 

"Because he cares too much, and apparently...so do I."

I furrowed my brows at his statement, but before I could question it, he unlocked the door and pushed it open. 

My heart rose to my throat, clogging my airway in shock. 

The room was dim, but small white and red candles illuminated it enough for me to see the devoted time put into this. A clothed table was located in the middle of the medium-sized room, and two chairs welcomed it on either side.

On the table sat covered plates of what I assumed was some type of dish. 

Red accented the room, flashing the small details to my eyes. 

"Did you-"

"Shut up," he interrupted me, walking inside, silently intending me to follow. I held back a grin as I watched him pull out the chair on the right, my feet padding on the soft rug. 

I sat down swiftly, mumbling a thank you as he pushed me closer to the table. I glanced up from my lap, observing the way he moved throughout the room. He tried keeping his face stonic and grumpy, but from the way his lips kept twitching, I thought different. 

He sat widely in the seat across from me, masculinity dripping from his actions. I swore I wasn't drooling. 

"Buon Compleanno, Tesoro." (happy birthday, darling)

My eyes flashed to his lips as he spoke the mere term of endearment. He held no emotion nor expression as he looked back at me, but I convinced myself there had to have been something more to his words. 

I wasn't used to any of this, and it was making me visibly awkward. 

"How did you know?" I pondered out loud, clasping my hands on top of my thighs. 

"Flynn," he answered shortly, obviously trying to keep cool in the situation. 

"You didn't have to do all of this..."

I looked around the decorated area once again, astonished by the fact they cared. 

"I didn't."

My heart went right back down to my stomach, deciding to weigh down my senses. Well, there went the standards. 

"But he gave me the idea," he rolled his eyes like it was nothing, playing it off. 

I almost let out a breath of relief, but I kept it back as my mind slipped further into curiosity. 

He reached over, taking the shiny metal top off the plate, revealing a small bowl of pineapple. 

Fucking pineapple slices. 

He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small pocket knife that I recognized as mine when I had thrown it across the room the few days after I met him. 

Zion laid it on the table by the bowl, eyes flickering up at me mischievously. 

My fingertips grazed the cool exterior of the knife, and I was quick to flick it open, stabbing a piece of pineapple just how I did weeks ago. I brought it to my lips, my tongue darting out to catch the fruit. I kept my gaze on him intentionally, illustrating a little interest in something else. 

Taking the pineapple off of the blade, I was quick to wipe the residue off the knife wedge as the sweet but tangy flavor was welcomed to my taste buds. 

I smirked at him, setting the knife back on the cloth gently. 

"Did you get me a gift?" I tilt my head, licking my lips. 

Zion visibly tensed, giving me the reaction I wanted. 

"Later," he looked at me with hooded eyes, and suddenly I wanted to be done with this surprise so I could get to 'later'.

"You're going to make me wait on my birthday?" I purse my lips as I know I aggravate him. 

"It's better if everyone else is asleep when I give it to you."

My thighs clench together. 

"Oh?" I raise a brow suddectively, "Then why not give it to me right here? While it's isolated and away from everyone else...they wouldn't listen anyway, right?"

He shook his head, muttering incoherant Italain under his breath. 

"You'll just have to be patient, Zhara." I loved when he said my name. 


"So...what are we going to do until then?" I take another bite of pineapple, deciding to soak up my time of comfort. I was a bit disappointed I would have to wait for whatever he had planned. 

"What's your birthday wish?"

I hum at his question, leaning back in the padded chair. 

"If I told you, it wouldn't come true," I assert, my voice just above a whisper. Zion leaned forward, stalking me as prey. I pressed my tongue to the roof of my mouth, trying to keep the urge at bay.

"But I'm the only one who can make it come true," he said with hooded eyes, almost as if he knew exactly what I wanted. 

He did. 

He knew what my body wanted, and that seemed to be the scariest part. 

"I suppose you're right," I sigh, standing up from the seat. His eyes trail me as I straighten my posture, watching for my next move. 

My pulse expanded through my body, thumping against my ears. Blood rushed to every free nerve, heating my skin. 

"I wish..." I looked him right in the eye, "for you, Zion."

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