30) Scarlet Letter

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It was another beautiful morning, the same as before. The chirping of the birds, the sun rays kissing the white flowing curtains and the old songs playing on the all India radio.

The morning and everything about this morning was same however there was something different, something special this morning has brought with it.

It has brought a saccharine and blissful smile on Aadya's face. She was smiling for no special reason. She could not help but wonder,"Is this natural ? Does every soon to be bride feel this way? "

Perhaps not.

Shaking her head she again brings her focus to the work in hand.

It was seven in the morning. Sitting on her study desk she was seeing the data sheets of the field duty which was scheduled today.

It was a field duty in slum areas and poor parts of the town for the awareness on children vaccination.

The people in this part of the town live in poverty and are not aware of the necessity of the essential vaccination for newborn and children under ten.

It was essential to make them aware and even convince the people there about how important vaccination for children is.

She was solely focused on checking the final data sheets however her mind was drifting to them now and then.

Yesterday was a hell of a day.

No each day with them is a hell of a day.

Inserting the white sheets in the printer she thought how her life was plain and white like these sheets before, however from the moment she had met them her life had become like a colorful canvas of a painter.

Clicking on the printout, Aadya glanced towards the open window. The warm sunlight was replacing the white cold fog of winter.

This year the winter is it's peak, she smiled to herself thinking this year there is change in the weather too.

Otherwise every year this namesake winter comes like a hiding star behind the black clouds.

Taking out the printed sheets from the printer she placed them inside the files, neatly.

Heaving a sigh when she sat down on the chair her subconscious again took her back to yesterday.

Yesterday was full of shocks and surprises.

She got to know about Digvijay's first marriage.

Then about his past.

And then she got to know about his weird fantasies and his true intentions.

And last but not the least she got to see such a soft side of Vikram.

However the biggest shock she got yesterday was Digvijay being into kinky stuff.

Aadya's face twitched in disgust; she could not understand why a simple and easy man like Digvijay was into these things.

Isn't it too weird?

Till now what she knows about kinks is that they do sex in a unrealistic way with some kind of character play. That's what she had heard from the gossip the girls of her class would do when she would try to solve the algebraic expressions sitting on the first bench.

It was tenth grade, it was a free period and the girls sitting behind Aadya were speaking about sex and kinks. She would roll her eyes at their gossip and taking out the cotton rolls from her skirt pocket she would insert them in her ears.

She knew she would fail math if she started gossiping with them.

Aadya could not help but wonder what he really likes about this dominant submissive thing. And what kind of pleasure he gets while dominating a dominating woman.

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