Apocalypse: Distance? 1.4

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You sighed wondering how everything happened, before looking at the plants. Then you had a flashback.

You just had been bitten and it was your second day of suffering. You had managed to reach an area closer to the city and it was your first time seeing how Mother Nature had taken back her rights. The cars were covered in greens and grass. 

You had plopped in a car where plants were just making a comfortable blanket for you and when you woke up the injury was almost gone. The pain was also gone for a few hours allowing you to walk further. In your sickly state, you had thought it was dream when you had seen the plants moving. You had seen them wrap around your shoulder and heal you.

You snapped back to reality as a girl stepped inside of the tent. She eyed you up and down and you silently bowed to her. She didn't return the greeting and just clicked her tongue. You hadn't done anything and were already disliked. 

How loveable. 

The girl put combat boots on before walking out and closing the tent leaving you in the dark. She couldn't know you could see in the dark, so it was just a mean act. You sighed as you reached for the plants. And they moved.

"Fuck" you whispered as the petals of a flower formed on your ankle as the bandage was torn away.

Your shoulder was the same and the pain started to fade. You felt the plants taking action and you wondered if you had entered a mad world. You know that the plants would drop when the healing was done or maybe it was just a feeling you had. Feeling that you didn't follow the first time and it left you with a bite scar. You opened your backpack glancing at the picture of you and your parents.

 You doubted that they were even alive as you glanced at the necklace your mother always left you when she was gone. It was a wing symbolizing the caged bird you were. You dropped the necklace back in your backpack and pulled the blanket on yourself. First, you were a reserve of blood, then you were hated and now you could probably use plants to ease the pain procured by injury. 

The world had definitely gone mad.

The next morning, you woke up in the girl's tent as the same girl was glaring at you.

"You stink" she said "Go take a shower newbie."

"I don't know where the showers are." You said

"Here." She pointed a corner where shower cabin were visible "You have 10 minutes. Soap and everything comes with time." She said with no emotion

You had soap and everything in your backpack of course. You took clothes and hid the soap and shampoo in it. It was scentless and did his job. The flower around your ankle hadn't fallen yet, while it had on your shoulder. 

The scratch was almost gone and the pain was gone. You sighed in relief under the cold water. Your body hadn't recovered completely and you were still feverish thus the cold shower was welcomed for once. Five minutes later you were out and dried your hair as much as possible with the towel, which worked quite well.

"First, laundry" the girl said pointing the huge laundry basket "There is a wash machine here." She pointed a corner where you noticed the machine "Hang everything to dry on this once it's finished. Put order in the tent before I come back or else...well... don't expect me to be nice." She disappeared

You sighed wondering what was wrong with this girl before you did everything has she said. The machine was modified because cleaning the clothes went extremely quickly. Due to the amount you had to do two machine. Your shoulder was hurting and the flower appeared once again making you sigh. You limped to the rack hanging everything up the best you could. You noticed the broom and began cleaning the tent, making the beds of each girl and putting the things in the laundry basked to do another round of cleaning. 

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