Hybrid 5.1: Yoongi

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"I already told you that I'm against it" I huffed for the millionth time

My mother raised an eyebrow at me before dragging by the wrist once again towards the hybrid shelter. This society treated hybrids like shit: there were no other words to describe it. Whatever happened involving a hybrid, was always the hybrid's fault. 

Slaves, servants, pets or worse used for pleasure: those were the only job that hybrids could really do if they weren't own. Of course, they could also be in shelters, but over 30 years old, they would be...taken care of to put it lightly. 

Concentration camps or scientist welcomed them with big smiles in their quarters and they would be killed.

I had nothing against hybrids. I was human and thankful for it honestly. 

However, my body was not very much cooperative. I had something called Monophobia and couldn't be left on my own for too long. My mom was an extremely pragmatic and rational person. 

Thus, at first she thought I was acting out and being brat, turns out it needed a specialist to convince her that my panic crisis, sleep paralysis and night terrors along with heart pains and short weakness in my knees weren't an act. 

I had pills fighting against those things, but it wasn't enough anymore. My parents were researcher in chemistry and had to travel around the world once or twice a year for months. 

My sister was now old enough to have left the house and found a PHD in some well-paying country. Thus I was left alone. And that didn't work.

Moreover, I was the only one at school who didn't have a hybrid to show off to the world. I got mocked and bullied for it, treating that my parents were poor or simply didn't give a fuck about me. My mother started her journey to make me adopt a hybrid, when parents mocked her by proposing her money during a school meeting. 

My parents were far from being poor. In fact, investments and owning a few buildings and apartments gave them quite the pocket money. They did their job for the love of science but they could be travelling in a private job to get to the next fashion show in Milan without a problem. 

Showing off their wealth wasn't their thing and they thought us not to do it either, but being mocked wasn't in my mother's range of thinking. Moreover, she had the excuse it to use it for my health. How convenient.

"I'm not asking for the moon, Ela." My mother said exasperated 

"You take a look and choose one, you'll help one of the poor animal and we promised that we would treat it like another human being." She put her hands on her hips raising an eyebrow at me challenging me for a retort

"If-"I started

"If you don't like any of them, we'll go to another center. Until you find one." She cut me off

The shelter in which we went was for well-off people and my mother had rented the shelter for us for the morning. I was introduced to the staff and they were really shocked to see that two casual person could ret such a center for themselves. 

I sighed as we walked through the different doors. Hamsters, squirrels, bunnies were all packed prettily for the little daddy's girl however none of the hybrids caught my eyes. My mother huffed as we stepped out of the shelter. 

She gave me a meaningful glare, before her eyes lit up.

"I have an idea. Get in the driver seat, I'll guide you." She said grinning

I took my place behind the wheel and put some music that I enjoyed to relax. It was not that I was against having a hybrid, I always wanted one in fact. However, it was not to show it off, more to have like a friend I could always count on. 

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