Big Plans [Universes]

Start from the beginning

But when he met Knuckles - someone who didn't care what others thought of him, since he was alone on a floating island most of the time - there was suddenly someone who truly accepted who he was without question and he had never felt better.

Angel Island had become a paradise for him. One in which he could be free and he just wouldn't want it any other way.


He looked up with a jerk. He had been lost in thought again.

Right, the question...

"Well..." Knuxy muttered with a shrug. "It's peaceful...quiet, free..."

There was a short pause during which he mulled over his answer further.

"You into the day, you know? Knux and I we... just spend day after day on Angel Island, sometimes visiting Amy, going on missions with Sonic and Tails, or fight Eggman. I would say it's a paradise that I never want to leave again. It's beautiful and free and no one can change my mind about that."

A little laugh followed. "Imagine you can just jump around and have fun all day long. Wouldn't that be great?"

When he got no answer, Knuxy glanced at Sony, who was still hunched over on the bench and seemed to be lost in thought.

"...I would." Came the quiet reply and Knuxy couldn't help but look at the other in utter confusion.

First he wanted to ask if everything was alright, but... his plan came to an abrupt end when Sony looked up with a smile and jumped off the bench as if nothing had happened before.

"I already know what we're gonna do today!"


When it was picked up the second time, it was only a week later.

The first week of Knuxy's visit had already passed and today he wanted to meet the others at their secret spot. As soon as he turned the corner and squeezed through the narrow passage in the hedge, he saw Sony leaning against the self-made shed and staring at the ground.

The blue hedgehog looked up when he heard the rustling of the hedge and smiled softly at the older.

"Hey, you're early."

"Bold of you to say that." Knuxy mumbled back before throwing himself on the floor next to Sony with a sigh.

The younger nodded briefly, then pulled his legs close to his body and rested his head on his knees while he looked straight ahead, only twitching his triangle ears every once in a while.

It was quiet for a few minutes as both teenagers listened to the rustle of the leaves in silence and Knuxy fell into a kind of trance that was only interrupted when Sony raised his voice.

"I've been thinking."

"...What?" Knuxy looked beside him, but the hedgehog hadn't changed position. He was still hunched over and staring straight ahead, but now he rocked back and forth slightly.

"What have you been thinking about, Sonic?"

There was this silence again and Knuxy was slowly feeling pissed off when he looked away again and began to play on the hem of his hoodie.

What had gotten into Sony? He only acted this weird when he was hiding something or when he was not doing well. But...he didn't look ill or anything. Although he was so unusually quiet, it was worrying the echidna.

Knuxy dared to look at his friend, but nothing changed about him.

"So if this is going to be a serious conversation, you have to answer me, you know?" He grumbled. "Because I can't read minds."

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