Chapter 7: Little Angel In Taffeta and The Frenchman

Start from the beginning

"So if you nothing to do, why watch people who have something to do?"

"Guilt." I shugged.

"Are you regretting this whole runaway-from-home?"

"What? No! Never in a million years. Do you know how good it feels to walk around without the weight of your parent's overbearing gaze on you?"

"How good?"

"Bloody damn good, I tell ya!"

And we talked for quite a time about a wide range of topics from colours to flights, laughing, complaining, joking and simply talking. After God-know-how-long he hung up saying he was sleepy. Time sure flies over our heads faster than Usain Bolt when we talk. I tossed my phone aside when I noticed Zoey staring at me.

"What's wrong?" I said checking my face and hair for any trace of stupid things. She calmly sat in the opposite chair and smiled at me.

 "You like him."

"I what?!" I literally yelled, causing few birds that sat on the windowstill of the opposite building to fly away. "What do you mean? What are you saying?!"

"Simple, you are falling for him. Seriously. I can see that on your face." She said. I waited for her to burst out laughing and telling me that she was pulling my leg but she remained to smile at me creepily as if she knew something I didn't.

"Stop joking, Zoe." I let a short chuckle wishing that my guess was true.

"Not joking. I can see the change in your eyes. I can feel something between you guys." She said leaning in closer.

"Zoe, stop making things up okay? Me and Adam are really good friends. End of the story. Fin. Nothing else! Nada. Zilch. God! Stop watching those cheesy rom-coms for a change." I said desperate to change her mind.

To my horror, she laughed, "Whatever but one piece of advice. Realize, before it is too late." I waved my hands dissmisively.

"Go grab a bite and call Seb for an date or something. You'll be fine."

 I said sipping my now cold coffee. She shook her head and went back inside the apartment, that fishy smile still alive in her face. Even though Zoe went away, her questions troubled me. What did she mean? It's true that I always felt home with Adam because he is a good friend. 

I had no other better conclusion than what I said. Zoey is too much into these cliché things. Come on, she watchs each Gossip Girl episode live and on reruns. And by the virtue of watching all those trash in TV, movies and novels, she is a dating-proclaimed love expert. I had only had a single boyfriend in my entire lifetime but we had broken up with him for good. Maybe that had actually destroyed my total approch to men and relationships. 

Except Adam.

I don't know why but he seemed special. A really good person in heart. But my complete opposite. I kinda love it when we actually balance ourselves. Nearly two month since we had been friends and I like being with him. But not that kind of like which Zoey refers to.

Realize, before it is too late? Advice for me? 

It totally made no sense but then again, it's Zoey. One can never be sure what was running in that pretty little head of hers.

***Adam's POV***

"Hey! Thats odd. You never call me this time." 

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