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"When I'm with you, I'm in utopia. Did I wander in search of the erased dream?"

"When are we going to reach Busan?" Bea asked.

"Umm soon?" Jimin replied nervously.

"Wait-" bus jolted stoped harshly making everyone stumble.

"Ow what was" You trailed off seeing a young girl standing infront bus and hand infront of her in protective manner.

You quickly ran towards her but someone got hold of your wrist.

"Don't you think she can be infected ?" Yoongi scanned your face for agreeing with him but no.

"What? Again yoongi? She might be survivor let go of me!" He hesitatingly remove his palms from your soft wrist.

You ran down the bus, making sure no zombie were there and sprinting towards her.

She was brunette with very big round innocent eyes ,she looked in her 18s.

She had small hairs till ears , making her look more small.

She had coupe of bruises on her face,a cut at cheekbone, blood dripping from her eyebrows.

She did looked like bea, you quickly held her hands running inside bus.

As everyone looked at the brunette behind you carefully.

"Hey what's your name?" Bea asked coming closer to her checking in her carefully as immediately jin held her another wrist making you roll your eyes.

You didn't felt jealous or something (maybe) but its why can't they trust you?

"I-i-i'm Kelly." She replied with a crack in her voice. It was obvious she was in pain running from zombies.

"So kelly we are survivors too, let's get you change and clean up?" She nodded hesitatedly.

You took her in the end of bus where small bathroom type room was there.

"You use this I'm outside hmm?" She nodded thanking you.

You waited for few minutes. After sometime there was sound of door knob opening so you looked at her.

Immediately running outside as she followed you with blood dripping from her mouth.

"GUYS STOP THE BUS AND RUN!!!" everybody panicked as Jimin stopped the bus jumping from his seat.

Everybody existed the bus running.

You felt very guilty only if you weren't that kind or helping.

You all ran in flock, you looked at back seeing a whole big ass pack of zombies making you panick more.

The fear rush over you making tears pricking in your eyes.

You tightly held Bea's hand as she held simba with her other hand.

You looked at yoongi as he glared at you so hard that you could die under his gaze.

You saw a alleyway.

"There!" You pointed at it just entering with bea and simba, gesturing others to come fast.

Suddenly you saw a zombie jumping towards namjoon making your eyes widened. No!

Namjoon looked back at you smiling and then sprinting towards different directions as some zombies followed him.

"No!!!! Namjoon you can't!!! Come back! Please no you can't!" Hoseok looked back fear rising in his viens as he made eye contact with you.

Running towards namjoon as other zombies followed him, making you fall on your knees.

Sure they met you a short time ago but still you liked them, the funny talks, their thoughts, the kiss.

Bea hugged you tightly crying herself as you looked at entrance in disbelief.

Were they died now? They died? No this can't be happening! This was all your fault.

You harshly pulled your hairs hitting the hard rocked floor.

Jin immediately pulled bea and hugged you making you cry in his wide shoulders.

Bea sadly look at you and jin then hugging simba.

"This is all my fault! I deserved to be dead not them!! I-I-" you cried bitterly making everyone's heart ache.

"Shhhh..... it's okay.... don't worry it wasn't your fault..." He whispered soothingly rubbing your back.

You hugged him back sobbing hard.

Our two members are dead just because of you.


I'm sorry for killing them tbh I was so surprised that I myself killed my favourite mans.......

Don't worry you still have taetae ,yoongles, golden maknae, wwh and mochi.....


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