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"Don't let go of my hand forever , I won't let go of your either."

You quietly went towards pale guy's sofa and sat beside him.

He was so zoned out after these guys entered.

You put your hand on his shoulder, as he looked at you. Leaving his revolver.

He raised an eyebrow in questioning manner.

"What's up with you?" You asked as his eyebrows knitted together.

"What?" He voice was cold as ice which made you shiver.

"You seem quite and zoned out?" He sighed heavily through his nostrils, turning his body towards you.

"It's just we can't trust anyone who we met and take them with us, we don't what they are capable of or want to hurt us..."

"Everybody who looks sweet or handsome doesn't mean they are from inside also." He said looking straight in your eyes.

But what does handsome means? This means he thinks them handsome lol.

"But we don't know if they want to harm us or no? We can't leave them rotting with zombies, can we?"

"Okay but if they seem suspicious I'm shooting their fuck-ass brain!" Now comes that rude guy again.

"Okay! But i-i still don't know your name?" He chuckled.

"I forget I'm min yoongi" min yoongi nice name.

"You have great name!" He replied with 'oh' as he deeply gazed into your orbs.

This made you gulp so hard that your throat was now thirsty but with water or something else?

You unconsciously leaned in making him smirk.

He leaned in as pulled you on his lap, by your waist, smashing his lips onto yours.

Your chest collided with his making 440 volt spark through your body.

He placed his hand on your hips.

You kissed him like you wanted to be kissed, like no boy had ever kissed you, soft and moist and hot and breathy, not trying to win a battle but seeking union and closeness and the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment.

The heat rose in your cheeks as your tongue touched yoongi's tongue, quick and electric and delicious, then firmer, more determined, more curious about the heat that lay within, seeking to chase down that elusive liquid lightning that reached through both of you.

It feels like an explosion of the best flavors in the universe all at once mingling together and creating the best taste and sensation you’ve ever felt.

The positioning of the hands makes a big difference in the sensuality of a kiss. The soft sounds that escape from yoongi during a kiss can be the sign of deep passion.

It feels like you’re not in your own body anymore and you’re in another universe floating.

It feels like you could get lost forever in the him and you’re not really sure how, but you are, and it’s only through kissing. It’s amazing with him.


:- I apologise for such a short-ass chapter, I just wanted to describe the kiss scene and trust me it took my whole brain which I didn't even tried to use in my exams well I'm passed don't worry....

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