Chapter 7

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*Elizabeth's p.o.v*
I walked through the dark wood double doors to hell knowing that this is just another high school that hasn't met Elizabeth Romano yet and soon they will be wishing they didn't that's a promise I will make

I went to the front office where there was a older woman she asked my name even is she did find it amusing and gave me my new timetable I chose track and art for my 2 subjects I had to pick.I chose art because normally the arty kids have a good smoke on them and are easy to get it of because by 12 they don't know left from right and track because I'm a good runner plus at my old school we didn't actually do much running we did a different type of exercise this included the boys football team...of you get what I'm saying

I felt a hand grab my shoulder and I turned around to see my 3 older brothers staring back at me and a guy who looked Marcos age

"Hey little sister what lesson you got first so your bodyguards can make sure you get there safe as a button" said Dante jokingly

I crossed my arms "I don't need my big brothers to be my jail wardens I can find a classroom by myself and whoever this is"

Andreas stole my time table and started looking at it "according to your past record you can't find a classroom by yourself" Andreas said mocking passing my time table to Marco

"Woah sis your in the same English as Andreas poor him you to are both so dumb and you have track last ,I have Football last so I'll keep an eye out on the track for you" cackled Marco passing Dante my time table so he could have a look

"Did Alessandro already go over our rules with you?" Dante questioned

What the fuck did he mean there rules they are dicks really "if I say yes can you go and let me go to my lesson?"

"Nope your stuck with us just till the first bell speaking of 1...2...3" the the bell rang and I was escorted to my first class that's happened to be English woo 1st period stuck with my brother and his dickhead friends

I sat in the corner not wanting to listen to the whispers and watch the many many glares I was receiving I looked around and could tell that my brother was not planning on leaving me alone.

He skipped up the classroom to where I was sat pushing my feet of the seat next to me "so guess who's little sister gets to sit with her awesome brother!" He exclaimed

"Not yours" I said bluntly

"Incorrect little sister" he said with his hand on his heart as if he got shot

The rest of my lesson was slow didn't talk to anyone just doodled in my book instead of working why try if you don't get anything finally I was saved by the bell and Andreas was kind enough to escort me to the Art room finally some real people

I looked around instantly knowing who was high of there head I walked over to the group of people who I wanted to Allie with and sat down before class began to start

"Who are you?" Ask some girl who had brown curly hair wearing sunglasses obviously to block her dilated pupils from the teachers view

I rolled my eyes "names Elizabeth I'm new here and looking for something make school not so shitty"

The group of people nodded and one of the lads snuck me a cigarette under the table

"So how come you moved here?" Asked the brown hair guy

I looked into his deep brown eyes and almost drowned "oh i um my brothers decided to adopt me since my grandma died"

"Sorry for your loss, I'm Lexi by the way" said the same brown haired girl
Who i now knew as Lexi

There was 4 of them sat together in total Lexi another girl with jet black hair, the mystery man  and another bloke who had blonde hair

I got more comfy during class and started talking to my new found friends about all of the schools social standpoints

I also found the names of the other people bedsides Lexi since she had already introduced herself the blonde boy was called louie the black haired girl was called millie and the super fit brunette dude was Jake. I exchanged numbers and snaps with everyone!

At lunch we hid behind the sports hall to smoke and drink some vodka millie had hid in her bag...i forgot all about my brothers and there stupid rules I finally felt like i was me again...

After school i made sure to borrow Lexis sunglasses to hide my eyes because of how dilated they were and had some chewing gum to get the vodka of my breath as i scanned and walked into the school car park and saw my 3 brothers all talking by the car having small conversations in between themselves

"Hey guys!" I said cheerfully hoping they wouldn't question my sunglasses

Andreas didn't look impressed "where the hell were you all day!i thought we explained we wanted to you to come with us during school!"

"With my friends" i answered blatantly rolling my eyes

"Andreas chill out it's ok Elizabeth it's just we couldn't find you we got worried did you have a good first day?make lots of friends?"Asked Marco opening the car door for me

"Well it was school so wasn't to special but it was decent...and yeah I guess you can say I made friends" I spat innocently

"Glad you had a good day" smiled Marco

The car ride home was awkward i didn't want to start a conversation incase the questioned my new style choice

I was wondering about how my elder brothers would react if they saw the state but I hoped not everyone would be home and could go straight to sleep and play the it was a long day card...

we pulled up to the house and i darted inside but before i could make it to my room i heard  an animus voice say "Elizabeth Alessandro wants to see you."

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