Chapter 3

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Elizabeth's p.o.v
I laid down on my bed and scrolled through my phone looking to find any information I could on my brothers. My search was mostly unsuccessful apart from a few photos of Marco on some school website.i continued looking at the content on my phone.

There's a knock at my door followed by a small smile and a cheery voice of Marco "Hey me and Andreas are going to get some lunch and wondered if you wanted to come baring in mind you have been in your room all day..."

"I um sure I'll come but only if you actually want me there I don't need a pity party" I spat coldly seeing m6 brother looking toward the ground kicking the floor as if he had just lost the biggest football  game of the year

Before he could speak a bolt of light shot through my door followed by the high pitch voice of a little boy who was not actually so little "OF COURSE WE WANT YOU TO COME WE ARE LIKE THE FUN  SIBLINGS AND I DONT DO PITY EITHER!" Andreas said theses words In under two seconds no joke

All I could do is laugh which was then joined by a entertained Marco. I stood up from my bed and grabbed my very dirty white air forces and we all headed downstairs laughing until we saw the ominous outline of one of our not so friendly brothers...Luca

"What's got you all giggling like a bunch of children at a amusement park?" He said this whilst adjusting the cuff of his sleeve

"Oh yeah me and Andreas are gonna take our little sorella for some lunch you know sibling bonding time" Marco said this like a normal human for the first time I saw my brother speak and act human like having a real conversation

Luca brushed his fingers through his hair and once again opened his annoying mouth "that's fine I guess maybe take Lizzie shopping while your at it you could use some new clothes sis no offence.."

"None taken I guess..." what the hell who is he to judge what I'm wearing mr James Bond over there!

"Good brothers make sure she doesn't look at price tags there is no limit and of course keep a good eye on her I've heard of you track record Principessa.."

"She's not a dog you know!" Andreas said rolling eyes at his comment

"Whatever now hurry up and get lost be back before dinner that means all three of you by the way!" With that we got on our shoes and said our goodbyes to Luca

On the way to the garage we started a small conversations about what we should order from McDonalds or if we should go to a restaurant in the mall I was on the team for McDonald's and so was Marco 2 against 1 boo ya!

When we reached the garage we headed toward a black lambs Andreas held the backseat door of a Lamborghini open for me.

"Here you are my little princess" I  he chuckled at his own comment and I just rolled my eyes and Marco was to busy checking himself out in the side mirror

I didn't want to be the one to start the conversation so for about 20 minutes we drove in complete awkward yet peaceful silence very different from the silence I revived on the first day from Alessandro, this silence was nice...

finally we arrived at the McDonald's and my brothers both turned toward me and said in unison "what do you want sorella?"

I was so excited I haven't had proper food in ages by proper food I mean not homemade. Cheap street food McDonald's,KFC,Taco Bell you know the ones "errr can I get 6 chicken nuggets chips and a chocolate milkshake?"

"Of cause liz anything for you" Marco winked at me making a small grin appear on my face and then they both ordered Andreas having a double cheeseburger plane what a little kid and Marco having the tough guy meal of a Big Mac

When we finished eating we started to chat well it was more like a q and a for me it started of simple "so liz how are you finding living with your 5 awesome older brothers?" Said Marco

"It's fine I guess I'm upset about my grandma tho she was only the real parental figure I have left, no offence guys.." I mumbled

"Can I ask the questions since this numbskull is making us all depressed" said Andreas causing me and him to both laugh I nodded for him to continue

He sat deep in thought for a second the spun round in his chair in excitement "when we were at the house Luca said something about keeping a close eye on you what did he mean!"

"What a good question I guess I may or may not of gotten into some trouble in my life that I am not so proud of" my brothers both starting laughing and I looked at them puzzled what was so funny?

"Trust me my little Principessa anything you have done is no where as bad as the things we have in our time!" Said Marco sternly what did he mean? Is he sure? Not like they have always been round to know what things I've gotten into.

The rest of the car journey was a lot more easier questions like favourite colour ( blue obviously) or have I ever had a pet (no but I did win a fish at a fair once but then I took it on the waltzers and you can guess what happened)

We finally arrived at the shopping mall and at first I was reluctant to buy anything but my two big brothers kept reassuring me on my choices and not allowing me to check any prices! I don't think I've ever seen so many bags before in my entire life! I got a little embarrassed when Marco asked if I needed any underwear and I nodded and left both of them outside Victoria secret with thousands of shopping bags.

"Are we done yet!?" Andreas moaned crying like a little toddler who had candy taken of them

"Poor little baby boy" I joked making him give me a stupid death stare and cashing Marco to grin "yes we are done by the way Thank you though I've had a good time with both of you!"

"Sorella don't thank us for just doing out jobs you know big brothers your blood related body guards" Andreas chuckled

We headed out to the car me only carrying 3 bags while my brothers both had full arms of bags I did offer to hold but both of them declined saying that my arms were to weak.luckily my brothers kept forgetting to check the things I was buying especially the lengths of them so had a few items that were not gonna Pass Alessandro's slutty test but I didn't care.

We sang our lungs out to Olivia Rodrigo in the car and for the first time in ages I finally felt like I had family like I had 'real' brothers not ones who saw me as something to manage or something that was a burden but as there little sister there little Principessa

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