Chapter 4

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*Elizabeths p.o.v*
I woke up inside my bed that was made for a queen still reminiscing the amazing day I had with my brothers the day before. I remember laughing and the smiling on mine and my brothers faces. I remember how we made jokes that would never be passed by Alessandro.

I took a shower that felt amazing against my skin the burning water soothing my numb body .I decided to curl my hair with the new curling iron I bought yesterday which Andreas thought was something very different...

I put on a pair of grey shorts and a vintage t shirt. I put on some foundation and concealer that covered up all of my spots on my forehead and finally I was ready to make my debut downstairs.

I walked down the staircase hoping there would only be my 2 favourite brothers down there but I was mistaken there was no one down there besides Dante I haven't spoke much to Dante in my time here but I know he only is a stuck up play boy who is on the football team.

He was sat on his phone mouth full or Cheerios shirtless 3 red hickeys lined on his neck god can he be any more of a dick! I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bagel and some cream cheese and sat down on the opposite side of the room from my brother.

"I don't bite you know sis" he said mockingly still not looking up from his phone what a douche

I got up and moved closer to my brothers seat on the stool next to his "I know douche just didn't want to get in the way incase you were hungover" this made me laugh and him spit out his cereal

"I'm not don't worry not actually I had a very good nights sleep last night" he grinned and winked this made want to throw up

"Whatever you say brother..." we ate in slings for a minute then my brother turned to me and said

"Two things A. those shorts a two short for me and lets not get started on Alessandro he would go mental oh and the second thing Alessandro want me to take you up to his office" he said this as if he didn't just yell me i am allowed to go to the forbidden floor for the first time

I looked up at him in shock stumbling over my words "you mean i have to see Alessandro alone" i then thought back i that awful car journey on the way here Change those shorts two short for my liking and espi

"You shouldn't be scared if him you know he's actually a big puppy dog underneath i promise" Dante laughed

I decided to put on a on a tough guy act and response "me scared never just to prove it imma wear these shorts now Cmon lover boy" Dante rolled his eyes and slurped up the rest of his cereal and took me to the basement

It was eerie but I didn't know if that was just my self conscious talking and making my brother more suspicious that he actually was. Me and Dante finally stopped at a tall black door and Dante gave me a look and I nodded back saying yes you can leave, then Dante disappeared up the stairs.

I reluctantly tapped on the door forgetting all about my shorts and how my brother is definitely going to comment on them. I wondered what he wanted to talk about in the first place! My thoughts were rudely interrupted by the mumbled voice of my brother "come in Elizabeth"

I slowly entered the office that was lined with bookcases and had a dark oak desk where my brother sat in front of the desk was a two small sofa chairs that matched the wood of my brothers desk and the small wardrobe beside him

"Hey Alessandro! Dante said you wanted to um talked" I couldn't make eye contact and I allowed myself to sit on one of the chairs in front of my brother

He nodded "that is true dear Lizzie I want to speak with you about schooling I have enrolled you into Meadow hall private school where 3 of your brothers also attend Dante,Marco and Andreas and I need you to pick your 2 other subjects"

While he spoke I kept eyeing the room seeing if I could find anything about my brother but there was no photos no sentimental items which was kind of upsetting...

"Elizabeth are you listening!?" My brother questioned and slammed his fist on his desk that gave me quite a shock

I rolled my eyes "Of course my dearest brother I'm listening I have to pick 2 subjects for school along with the core ones English,maths,science,sex Ed not like we need it but you know"

My brother rolled his eyes at my comment "Normally you would choose three but I took it upon myself for you to take Italian may help you feel apart of the family"

Ew really I've never needed another language in my life besides that one french boy I got drunk with one night but he understood what I meant when I passed him a shot glass and leaned in "if you say so is there anything else you want to speak to me about?"

"Elizabeth I have seen your academic records and have seen how they have started to decrease in the last 3 years you used to be a straight A student and now your barley passing every subject if your grades don't go up I will get a tutor that fits my liking obviously"

I had a tutor once and after that session the only thing I learned was that not all nerds have small dicks.. "Alessandro that's not fair I'm just fine at school tru-"
I started arguing but my brother had other plans

"It's not up for discussion Elizabeth you may now leave I'll see you at dinner" he gave me a small smile and I stood up and started to walk away

Just before I could reach the door I heard "Elizabeth also changes your shorts there are to short for my liking I don't want to see them again" I rolled my eyes and made my way upstairs .

my 4 others brothers all sat in the living room watching tv and I walked in to join them but before I could sit down they are stared at me and said in unison "change your shorts now"

"Really it's not like anyone gonna see me!" They all sat there crossed arms and I couldn't help but laugh

"It's not funny Lizzie if you don't go upstairs I'll take you myself!" Luca warned I couldn't be bother arguing so decided to make a statement instead

"You just jealous because all of you haven't had sex with any girl as hot as me" I heard different voices gasp and Andreas awful laugh as I disappeared up the stairs still not changing my shorts.

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