Back To The Dark World.

Start from the beginning


We walked out up the stairs and took the elevator to the main floor. We left the castle and took the teleport door to the field. "Good thing we have these doors, or we'd have to walk allll the way through the forest back here," Y/n said. "Ai." Susie agreed. We entered Seam's shop to ask him about the key to Jevil's cage. "Hee hee... Welcome travelers." he chuckled. "Seam, we were wondering if you are familiar with a strange prisoner in the castle." I asked. "Eh? What are you talking about? A prisoner with an odd manner?" Seam asked. "Yeah, they were locked on a special floor marked with question marks." Y/n said. Seam looked at us, shocked. "No... you couldn't possibly be talking about HIM.." he said. "So you know who he is? We kinda need the key for his cage." I said. "I see. After all the trouble I went through to lock him up, you want to release him?" Seam mumbled loud enough for us to hear. "Yeah." Susie said. "Hmm, now that you mention it, it could be troublesome if he was left alone.." he thought aloud. "So you'll give us the key?" Y/n asked. "Yes, perhaps it's better if you Heroes dealt with him now. After all, it's not as if whatever happens, will matter in the end. Perhaps a little chaos might be fun." he chuckled. He gave me the key, but parts of it were missing. "If you're so driven, find the other two pieces and get someone to fix them. I'll even give you a hint. Walk where the stars don't shine. Anyhow, if you succeed, come back here and tell me! Good luck! If you can call this luck. No, it's more like a curse." he cackled. 


"Walk where the stars don't shine?? What kinda hint is that?!" Susie said. "Wait. Y/n, Ralsei. Do you remember that area in the forest where we first saw those dancers? And we got our first revive mint?" I asked. "Oh yeah! There was that area on the left where the stars kept disappearing!" Ralsei said. "Hey hey how come I don't remember that!" Susie said folding her arms. "Cuz you were too busy scheming with Lancer to come this way." Y/n said. "Oh whatever, let's just go." she waved off. We went back through the door to the bake sale and avoided battles with those Bloxers. We finally found the spot to find out there was a hidden passageway where the key was. "Okay well, now what? The chest didn't even have another clue to where the last key piece could be!" Y/n said. "What about that one puzzle we couldn't solve? Near the start of the Great Board? Now that we've been to Card Castle, we're bound to know the answer to it!" Ralsei said. "Ralsei you're a genius!" Y/n said. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms. "Yeah yeah, I could've figured that out easily." I mumbled pushing past Ralsei. "Kris! Apologize!" Y/n said. I  kept my arms crossed while throwing some side-eye at Ralsei. We continued walking back to the door portal before Y/n said the one thing I hoped they didn't. "Hey, Susie! Ralsei! You guys wanna get the key while we find the person to fix the key?" they said. "Ooh divide and conquer, I love it. Sure thing." Susie agreed. Then the moment they both walked through the door they grabbed my hand. "Kris what's up with you right now?! What you did to Ralsei was totally out of pocket!" Y/n said. "Nothing. It's nothing." I said sighing. "Is it- Oh my god... Kris.." Y/n said calming down. "Is it because he reminds you of Asriel...?" they continued. I glanced at them with a blank expression. "Yes- well no- well kinda. That's half of the reason." I said bowing my head. They lifted up my chin and moved my bangs. "Then.. then what's the other half?" they said compassionately. I felt my face heat up as they started easing closer to me. "I... I was jealous.." I confessed. "Jealous? Of what?" they asked. "Jealous of how much attention and compliments you were giving to Ralsei.. wishing it was me..." I continued. "Kris...? What are you trying to say...?" they said. "Y/n... the truth is... I love... I- I love- uh- attention! Mhm! I like when you give me attention because you make me feel special!" I garbled. WHaat the fuck is wrong with me. I was SO close to telling them how I feel and I blew it like a dumbass. "Okay whatever you say," they said kissing me on the cheek. "Just make sure you don't let it go to your head too much Kris." I started blushing furiously while Susie and Ralsei came back through the portal door. 

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