chapter xiii

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Dream layed on his back, the couch underneath him felt uncomfortable and stiff. His hand rested, folded over his chest, holding up the thin blanket they gave him. It wasn't very warm but it will do. Techno's sweatshirt provides some comfort, it smelled like him. It smelled like cinnamon and honey, kind of reminded him of Christmas. Dream had no plan of giving it back.

He wasn't necessarily asleep. He was dozed off, his mind far away. Somewhere where his father wasn't a drunk, somewhere where he was free from the rotting smell of alcohol. Somewhere that smelled like cinnamon and honey.

He soon came to his senses, hearing footsteps coming down the stairs. They were heavy yet careful.

Dream opened his eyes to see Technoblade. His curly hair fell loosely on his shoulders. He wore a loose T-shirt with red plad pajama pants.

"Techno.." Dreams voice was groggy and quiet, the pinkette soon peaked his head out of the kitchen.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.." His voice was low and raspy.

"You didn't.." the blonde groaned sitting up, his muscles sore from the books falling on him.

He soon joined Technoblade in the kitchen, next to the microwave. It provided a bit of heat to the chilly house.

"You want one?" He spoke up finally, pointing to the hot pocket in the microwave.

"Sure.." the younger rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes, sighing. He watched the pinkette swiftly move over to the freezer and reached down.

"Hello?" Another familiar voice appeared from the entrance to the kitchen.

The pair looked up to see Tommy and Tubbo, their hair messy and voices layered with tiredness.

"I want one.." Tommy walked over to where Techno squat, taking two out, presumably for him and Tubbo.

"What you two up to?" Dream asked, leaning against the counter, he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Couldn't sleep.." The younger brunette walked over, smiling.

"Mhm.. me neither.." Techno mumbled, he took out his hot pocket and put another in.

"A lot happened.." the older blonde shrugged as his little brother peaked at his bandages.

"That's an understatement.." Toby chuckled.

"Mhm.." the pinkette hummed again, clearly very tired.

"You sure you're okay..?" Tubbos voice was quiet and unsure, he whispered to his brother.

"I'm fine.." The blonde swatted the boys hand away from his face, rolling his eyes.

They all took turns cooking their hot pockets. The four huddled around the microwave, quietly joking so they wouldn't wake the other two members in the house.

Eventually, Dream was left alone, down stairs, in the dark. He felt lonely without Techno or his little brother. He didn't sleep the rest of the night. It was almost impossible to do so. He tossed and turned through out the night until he saw the sun begin to rise through the curtains.

He decided trying to sleep was no good, so he grabbed his phone and set off into the kitchen. He sat on one of the barstools, looking through twitter.

He heard foot steps from behind him. He turned to see who had walked in, his eyes meeting his favorite pink haired boy. A small smile appeared on the blonde's face.

"Miss me?" Techno's voice was deeper than before, clearly he had just woken up.

"Maybe a little bit.." Dream replied as he watched the boy sit down next to him.

Dream pushed his legs inbetween Techno's, making them closer together. The older placed his hand on the youngers chin, pulling him forward into a kiss. It lasted a few seconds, but it was enough.

Dream pulled away and stared at the pinkette, admiring him.

"What are we going to do about Wilbur..?" He spoke finally, remembering how the brunette had walked in on them just the night before.

"I don't know.."

"I'm surprised he didn't kill me, should probably get out of your house before he comes to his senses and does." The blonde chuckled, slight bit of fear in his voice.

"Don't worry, he is a late sleeper.." Techno smiled, going in for another kiss. This one lasted a little longer than they expected.

It wasn't long until they were making out. Their tongues clashed together.

Techno pulled away taking a deep breath, "You want to go to my room?" He asked.

"Sure.." the blonde let out a sigh as they began to walk up stairs.

Once the two got into Techno's room, he locked the door, before turning back to the blonde, and going to sit on his bed.

Dream followed him, strattling his lap. He cupped the olders face, pulling him in for another kiss.

It became heated quickly, the two fight for dominance. Little whimpers escaped the youngers mouth.

"Shhh, don't want to wake anyone up, do we?" The pinkette pulled away ever so slightly, their mouths still connected by saliva.

"Mmm~" Dream moaned quietly, pulling him back in the kiss.

"Needy boy.." Techno whispered between the kiss.

Dream felt his shirt being lifted slightly by Techno's hand. His hand was cold yet soft, he slipped his hand into Dream's boxers.

"Mm~ f-uck~" the blonde pulled away, letting his head fall back.

Techno took no time beginning to nip at the blonde's neck. Soon he began sucking and biting at Dream's pale skin, leaving red marks that would soon turn to bruises.

"Mmm~" the younger of the two held his hand over his mouth, muffling his moans.

Techno's hand sped up as pre-cum leaked out and onto his hand.

"Tech-mmm~" Dream's eyes rolled back as he bucked his hips into Techno's hand. The pleasure piling up.

"Cum for me baby.." Techno whispered into Dream's ear, earning a whimper in return.

"Fuuckk~" the blonde moaned into his hand as he came into his boxers.

"Good boy." Techno smiled, grabbing a tissue and wiping his hand off.

"Can I borrow some boxers.." His voice was quiet as he hid his head in the pinkette's shoulder, embarrassed.

"Mhm sure.." the two layed there for few minutes.. content.

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