chapter vii

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I apologize for my bad upload schedule, I'm currently failing two classes so that's my priority at the moment, so here's a long chapter. :)


The rest of the night was a blur.

The most Techno could remember, was the boys yelling everytime something happened, sleepy Skeppy and Dream trying to explain football to Bad and Techno, and lots of pop and pizza.

He couldn't lie, he had loads of fun. He got along with a lot of the people there, he really didn't think he would.

He did spend most of his night with Bad and Quackity though.

The short boy was not too fond of football, neither was Bad.

Technoblade actually got along with the loud boy really well, they spent most of the night joking about how much of Chad's the other boys were.


Technoblade lazily pushed the front door of his house.

He was absolutely exhausted. The boys spent all night screaming and shouting, normally Techno was used to staying up late alone, but his introverted self could only be around people for so long without getting tired. All he wanted was to just fall asleep and never wake up.

"Woah Techno, you look like shit." He older brother said from the kitchen, eyes widened dramatically.

"Why thank you." Techno did a lazy half ass bow, rolling his eyes in the process.

"Are you okay Techno?" His father asked, all he got in response was a small hum.


Techno dropped his bag hastily, falling onto his bed, immediately sinking into the red comforter, not even bothering to get underneath it.

It didn't take long for him to drift into sleep.


Monday came sooner than anyone wanted.

Tommy groaned pushing his phone off the wooden table beside his bed hoping it would stop, it didn't.

He sighed, picking it up from the floor and shutting it off, before dropping back into his pillow.

"Tommy!" A very familiar voice came from his door, he was too tired to see who it was.

"Tommy!!" Again.

"Thesus!!" He heard loud knocking on his door aswell.

"WHAT?!" He turned so quickly, you would have thought he got whiplash.

"School." His annoyed older brother stood, in his door. He wore a plain over sized graphic T-shirt, it clearly isn't his, but at this point, no one questioned Techno.

"Stupid, you didn't have to do that." Tommy grumbled under his breath.

He slipped on his binder, struggling a bit, before putting on a plain red sweatshirt and white T-shirt. Finally slipping on jeans and socks before grabbing his phone, and running down stairs.


He met Techno at the stairs, both struggling to hurry down at the same time.

The walked into the kitchen, luckily having enough time to eat breakfast.

"I don't think I've seen you wearing that shirt before, Techno." His dad smiled.

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