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2 years later...

"You're way past the dead line, Y/n. And you know that. Why is this script taking so much time?"
Her death laced glares kept you at the edge. The border mental asylum ward painted walls of what she called her 'thinking' room were the ones that scared you more than her threats.
"If you don't Finish the script by next Monday, you know I have no other choice than to fire you" she rasped, clearly just woken up from a nap. Her fingers swindled on some pages with her favourite red inked pen, her eyes tracing the scribbled up mess through a huge pair of glasses

"Min Y/n: 3 penalties" her diary said.
"I really care for you Y/n," she said,

Did she not know that writing someone's name in red ink is a wish upon their death?

"You're one of the writers that I genuinely care about in this studio, please try to understand that this is for your own good"

The way she phrased the words always made it seem like she was forced to kick you out, but you weren't the one with a stupid brain. Knowing how much Mrs. Kang despised you, her caring about you would probably be next to impossible. Every second of her day would go into plotting your death instead of directing the movie you were writing, which was ironically about a director who killed his family. Maybe that was the reason Mrs. Kang had a grudge on you.

Kind of silly, but this women swore on her wedding that Pluto was the 9th planet, so you weren't suprised or shocked or whatever you must've been in this whole situation.

If only you could punch her in the face and run way screaming 'FUCK YOUUUU"

"I understand ma'am. I'm grateful for your kindness"

Of course you won't do something like that though, you needed this job to pay the monthly bills and punching your senior in the face would not let you keep this job.

"Your shift is over Y/n, you can leave now" she stated, pointing at the door standing at the very end of the hallway.


Soon you were out the door, rubbing you hands together for some heat to relax your body while walking on the snow docked road. It had been freezing just like any day of winters in November ends, and you trucking your way through the difficult paths was taking a lot of your time. Not that it mattered, you barely had anything to do. Scratch that: you barely wanted or were going to do anything. Boring. Writing is not even that fun anymore, sure you had your fair share of fun scenarios but with the pressures and dead lines, it couldn't be as fun as it was two years ago.

You just wanted to rest a long nap now
Besides, there wasn't much to except maybe wait around for a mail from the production office
You check your phone for a final time, which wasn't actually the final time

Refreshing on the blue-ish mail box hopefully you could get-
-[No new mails]-

Nevermind, this was hopeless.

Tuesday, 29th November

That was a day today, it had been exactly 2 years. In these two years a lot had changed...

Well not really.
Every thing looked the exact copy of the day before as the time passed by. Nothing too big, nothing too small, just right.
That was exactly how life was supposed to be in your college days. It wasn't. And that still hit you bad enough to sometimes find yourself in tears, because of him.

"A new message from: Sweet Cheeks 🐹
We still up for the me...read more..."


[In Chat with Sweet Cheeks 🐹]
Today at 4:41 pm

Sweet Cheeks 🐹:
We still up for the meet right?

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