•Chapter 1•

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Morning dew scattered the whispy warm air of the rising sun.
Ray's shooting through my window as though they were alive.
I felt a tug at the hem of my blanket before, groggily getting up to see who it was. Marcelline stood at the foot of my bed, her face itching with disapproval.
I wonder what I did now-
Nevermind, I remember now...

"Sorry Marc, I forgot again."

"And with all due respect my queen it's been months since you started this but yet you're not motivated enough to even wake up early enough to meet her..."

I sighed. She was right, I had put it back for too long now. I was being irresponsible.

"Again, sorry Marc. I'll make sure to do it tomorrow at this point I'm sure she's left for safety reasons... I'll do it, I promise."

Marcelline gave me a grin before looking at me again this time with a questioning stare.


"If I recall its a special someone's birthday today."

Ah, Katherine's.

"Yeah that, I'll have to start going now though. Katherine's is far..."

"Sure, I'll get things ready and my queen, as a loyal servent and as a friend, I ask is there any problem. You're a bit down.

"... Nothing just migraines. I'll be fine, just don't worry"

"Okay, if you say so. I'll be off now"

"Yeah, okay..."

She left.
I need to get myself together.
What I saw was just a nightmare, a stupid nightmare.

Nothing else.
It can't be real...


The flowers died again.
So much for that special delivery, what's wrong. It can't be the weather, I regularly take care of the flowers so what...? Why, is that I'm the problem.


"Hi Kat. Sorry if I scared you..."

"Oh! Lizzie, uhh. Yeah you did scare me there. So how have you been?"

"Fine, I guess. I came to wish you a happy birthday and I got you a present. Its not much since you can't really find a whole lot in the ocean but I hope you still like it..."

Birthday. My birthday, I really forgot that...

"Thanks a lot Lizzie, I even forgot about that. I've just been busy lately..."

Lizzie half smiled before glancing at the dead flowers.

"They die, even with the extensive care and effort put into them. I even asked Pearl to help
but nothing..."

I answered unconsciously, darn.

"Somewhat the same thing is happening to me. The sea creatures are getting scarce by the hour. Even with all the preservation actions and camps. They just seem to disappear or die... I asked Jimmy on it and same thing, he says he can barely find cod anymore... "

How, why is this all happening.
What if they go extinct...
Even magic couldn't solve this.

" Don't worry Kat it may just be some natural process. You know we all still have a lot to learn about this world... I'm sure a solution will come up quick just be patient."

Right, patience. Something I should be good at.


A storm, this early and out of nowhere...

"I guess that's my que to leave. Take care Kat and don't overwork yourself.

" Okay, you too."
Shes left...
Somethings up.
I need to talk to Pearl about this.
She'd know best, right?


It felt nice, flying through the rain. It's smell hitting my face.
I kinda liked it, it reminded me of swimming.
I glanced to the ground below, noticing someone. They looked in trouble.
I aimed for the ground hitting the muddy trail. Marcelline will give me a scolding now.
I looked at the person, Shubble?
Her clothes were tattered and face wet with tears, it I recall Fhwip had said she'd gone missing but here she was. I approached her cautiously hoping to at least have an idea of what had happened but I was then pounced on. A damn wolf.

Not a normal one though.
It growled in my face, this thing was ten times bigger then your average wolf... What was it...

"No, get off her... She seems nice."

Huh, the thing listened getting off me and walking behind Shubble. Now I was more muddy. More of a scolding from Marcelline.

"Shubble... Are you okay? Like. What happened to you... You've been gone for a while now"

She shifted in her spot, I guess she wasn't ready. I wanted to try approach her again but then I fell, but not on the ground. Just in void.

A mirror hovered in front of me, I touched it, my hand went through...
I let my whole body through and on the other side was the trail but no Shubble... How-

"Are you alright..."
I turned around, facing me was me.
She smirked approaching me before tapping my forehead.

"I'm waiting..."
With that she was gone.

I'm not going insane
I'm not going insane
I'm not going insane
I'm not going insane
I'm fine, I'm not crazy. That wasn't real. None of it.
I fell this time not caring about whether I get muddy or not.

It was getting hard to breath, to think. I... I'm fine... Right..?


•Authors Note•

Boom! And done.
Edited: 24/09/2023

°I Love You For Infinity°// By Della_G• (Book 1) ✓ (Under Heavy Editing) Where stories live. Discover now