Going to school chapter 17

Start from the beginning

(The next day) 


I woke up by the sun hitting directly to my face so I get up and shower,I put on some clothes and go to the kitchen to eat breakfast. 

(After they eat) 


I ask my parents permission because my friends r going to come at our house and have a sleep over,and my parents being the great parents they r,they agreed and a few minutes later,my friends arrived then I escort them to my room. 

(Time skip brought u to night time) 

(They introduced themselves to Dream's parents when they arrived and they really get along) 

(The persons who's at the sleep over:Eret,Techno,Wilbur,SapNap,George,Karl,Illumina,Niki,Fundy,Drista,Tubbo and Tommy) (let me know if I missed someone else) 


"Hey guys! We can play spin the bottle and if the bottle points at someone,then they will do a truth or dare." I said and I look at Dream and he wears a 'I don't think that's a good idea' look. 


"Yeah no,we ain't doing that." I said and a few sigh,I think a little bit and I finally gave in, "fine,u win this time..." I said and get up to get a bottle in the kitchen. 


"I'll come with u,I'm gonna get snacks as well." I said and get up then me and Dream go to the kitchen,I open a few cabinets and find Cheetos,whip cream cuz why not?,a few candies and I open the refrigerator to get the ice cream and chocolate fudge. 


I open a cabinet and find a empty bottle,I grab it and look at Drista who's getting the ice cream,"ahem,what do u think ur doing young lady?" I said and crossed my arms,and ngl,I do sound like my mom,well I guess that explain why I got her looks,I'm like a gender bend of mom. 


"Come ooonnn,let me at least do what I want." I said and he glared at me causing me to shrug.


I sigh and walk over her,"Ok then,but I'm not gonna train u for 2 weeks." I said and we go back to my room,I closed the door and sit down next to Techno. 


"Drista,smth wrong?" I ask and look at Drista,she look at Dream and now my attention is on Dream then back to Drista. 

Going to school (Dream Harem) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now