Going to school chapter 14

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Hello there beautiful creatures,so I have been thinking about doing a smut book, (I'm still a little innocent now, I read a little bit so I can know what's a smut so forgive me for what I have sin) but,I will not do it yet until I'm 12,so I'll wait for 2 years to pass and do a smut book if u guys want me to,anyways,here's chapter 14,enjoy!

(...) - Writer speaking/places/time

*...* - Characters P.O.V.

"..." - Characters speaking

'...' - Characters thought



I'm reading a book while I'm on class then a new teacher come in,I stand up and bow to the new teacher to show my respect while the others didn't even bother to greet the new teacher

*Puffy* (I add her so she can teach the students some basics about healing)

"Good morning all,I am CaptainPuffy and I'm a new teacher and I will teaching all of u some basics of how to do healing on ur own" I said and some of them nod while the other students didn't even bother to listen


I know how to make healing potions but I didn't know u can heal someone or something on ur own so I'm already interested of what Ms. Puffy will teach

(A few minutes)


I am learning fast since Ms. Puffy is on my side helping me with healing stuff,we example a fox who's injured and she said that just focus on who's or what's ur going to heal,she even gave me a nickname which is 'duckling' but I have no objections of her calling me that


Dream is fun and easy to teach since he said that he know how to make healing potions and he's learning fast than I thought,I gave him a nickname and he's comfortable with me calling him that,he remind me of Foolish when he was a kid but he died on an accident and I become lonely but good thing I move on and apply to a job

"So duckling,what's ur hobby?" I said and he smile at me


"Well...i like reading a lot and I really like to play the violin" I answer and she gave me a smile and I smile back at her (Dream's mask is on the side of his head so anyone can see his beautiful features) 



I was finding a seat and I see Dream so I come to him and sit beside him

"Hey Dream,why r u always distant to everyone when it's lunch?" I asked


"Well,I distance to everyone everytime it's lunch so I can eat peacefully and not hearing chewing" I said and he laugh a little bit and I laugh as well

"Well,what about u?, r u distance to everyone when it's lunch?" I said and he stop eating and I felt guilty because I think I said something wrong


"I distance myself from anyone because people think I'm a weirdo who just like singing and nothing else" I said and the flashback come again to me that people calling me 'freak' and 'monster',now I know ur confused that I said their calling me monster but I'm not,well I am right now but not when I was still a kid,my parents were killed by hunters and there I was,watching my parents got murdered right in front of me and from now on I just sing and to try forget about my depressing past,my uncle Phil adopt me and here I am,studying at a school and become a yandere since Dream transfers on this school,my life is pretty mess up and I don't know what's going to happen on the future


"Sorry,I shouldn't have asked that" I apologize and he said that it's fine and after we finished eating,we go to our seperate class

(At Dream's biology class)


"The principal want Dream Clayton on his office"


I was confused why Phil want me to come to his office but I just stand up and go to his office


"Ah Dream,now ur probably wondering why I called u am I right mate? I said


"Well yeah I am" I said and take a sit by a chair facing Phil's table


"Well...I was wondering if u could speak a speech on the event coming" I said and he was shocked,I mean who wouldn't


"Why me tho?"


"Because a royal family will come to the event and students r excited so why not make the crown Prince speech something?"


"I mean,it's fine with me but who's the kingdom coming at the event?" I asked and he said that he didn't know it yet so I have to wait until the event

"Okay then,I'll take my leave now,bye Phil" I said and leave the principals office and go to biology class to take my stuff and go back to the dorm


807 words

And that's it for today's chapter and if u enjoy reading this then make sure to make the star orange or white and yeah...ill see u guys next time,bye and have a nice day😊

Going to school (Dream Harem) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now