Amy's back story

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Hello there beautiful creatures,so in chapter 8,another character is been add and it's Amy so let me show u real quick what she looks like

What Amy looks like:

As u guys can see,she has a blonde hair and she's a bear,if u can see the bruises on her face,it's because his step-dad is abusing her because her mother died when she was born,now ur probably guessing how she got a abusive step-dad?

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As u guys can see,she has a blonde hair and she's a bear,if u can see the bruises on her face,it's because his step-dad is abusing her because her mother died when she was born,now ur probably guessing how she got a abusive step-dad?

It's because Amy's mother want to have a child and she met Amy's dad and they fell in love and they got married then they did the 'thing',(if u get what I'm saying) and then Amy's mother become pregnant but Amy's dad died because he was chase by a religion that's doing bad things and they make people suffer,so Amy's mom find a man and they got married but Amy's step-dad become a lot aggressive and drunk alcohol,when Amy's mom gave birth to her,her mom died and her step-dad abuse her every week at the forest so no one can know about it,then Dream came and save Amy and gave Amy a place to live


241 words

And that's Amy's back story and hope u vote for chapter 1 - 8 and I hope that u get what I explain about Amy's back story and yeah...

Bye and have a nice day😊

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