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There was a lot of pending explanation that drew the sudden attention of the nurses, residents from CS, ortho, GS and obs-gyn, the gossiping old professors of almost every department except the NS, and the children patients of the paediatrics ward. Everyone had their own version of the truth and the final gossip that reached to Shin's ears after a full circle (told to him by EuiJoon, the seven year old with malaria) was something like this. In just two hours.

Tae Shin kidnapped a boy and threatened the wealthy madam for ransom money, but he was then slapped and taken to police custody.

"Wahh, they really do speak nonsense, don't they?" Park YoonJae offered Shin a can of lemonade. Their rooms did have enough space to smuggle in a mini fridge (two in fact, one solely for the kimchi Shin's grandfather sent) where they kept spare soda cans in case the vending machine broke down.

"It is entertaining, I suppose," said Shin. He fixed his slipping glasses on his nose and squinted. There seemed to be a crack on the glass. He would have to buy new ones. "By the way Hyung, did you tell Mr. Min Suho?"

"Yeah. Your Aunt came to know?"

Shin nodded. Before he could speak, YoonJae's phone rang.

"Hello?" He said in a gruff voice. "35 year old male? I'll be there immediately, tell Nurse Kim to prepare for an X-ray." He tilted his neck to press the phone between his shoulder and his ear while running to the door and grabbing his coat. The conversations between them were often cut short, and Shin seemed to have gotten used to that. Once again, he was left alone to hear the sound of his sighs in the empty office.

❢◥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◤❢

"Chae Gilyoung had a fever since the morning. I administered him fever reducers about three hours ago, but there seems to be no significant reduction in the temperature. Do Junhui's bowel movements have become better since the past two days and yes, she is now in a significantly better mood so you can meet her, professor."

"Oye skeleton." Dr. Ki stopped right before the door of the children's ward. "Did you take the rounds with that face?"

Shin fixed his slipping glasses. "What is wrong with my face?"

"Yah. Do you think it would be good if you go around roaming with that face? People are talking about you, little idiot. Go home."

"But Professor, how can I leave you alone? You don't know who has what and all the reports are with me, plus Dr. Cha is assisting Professor Byun."

"I don't need you today. Seeing you reminds me of two years ago, and I don't want to remember that. Go home. There are no surgeries today anyway."

❢◥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◤❢

Despite his claims of being completely fine and slapping up a large healing patch on his left cheek, Shin was forced to take a day off. He was saving his holidays for when exams came around the corner. But one day would not hurt. Shin grabbed his dirty scrubs and clothes and everything he could take back home for cleaning. One whole day. He could spend it with Minah and Halabbeoji... So the young man decided this was it.

Until he reached home at eight and saw his grandfather polishing a rock.

"This belonged to your great grandfather. He served in the war."

Between amnesia and dementia, which one was more ironic?

"Now go wish your uncle a happy birthday."

"Halabeoji," Shin inhaled sharply, "did you buy a phone yet?"

"Oh right... I need a phone," the only man looked up, the rag cloth frozen mid air. "I will buy it tomorrow."

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