Luz Noceda Info

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Luz Noceda:

•16 years old

•6ft tall, skinny frame

-Genius-level intelligence
-Very skilled at Stealth
-Psychological manipulation

•skills/abilities:-hypnotism-Genius-level intelligence-Very skilled at Stealth-Psychological manipulation-Unpredictability-Strategies

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-she was sent to a special camp called Eclipse Camp and there is where her changes started.




-Two Face
-Always Happy

-Before Luz was sent to Eclipse Camp {Rehabilitation} Luz was a weird kid but nice, know nothing about manipulation towards anyone or do anything bad purposely till she was forced by her mother to the camp which Eda warned Camila about the rumours of that camp. The months Luz spent there was horrifying that not even words can describe to how horrible kids like her were treated there which none of the heads are aware of.

-"showing interest is all I have but love? Don't expect, cuz I don't believe it exist in my own world."-

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