Chapter Three. Breaking free

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I broke free of dallys grasp and stood up. Dallas groaned and grabbed his stomach. I new what came next from personal experience. I grabbed the bucket and put it in front of him.

"What happened?" He groaned out "You got drunk. Really drunk" "I dont even remember you staying" terror shot across his face "we didnt" "No, god no" it hurt he would be glad to screw some rando but not me. I dont know why it hurt me like it did, i definetly wish it didnt.

The rest of the week dallas stayed a slump and i slept there, Partly to keep dallas out of trouble but also because Once my parents died ive been having nightmares, They were bad and got worse. But with dallas, there gone, I sleep peacefully, that might be why i fell so hard for him.

One morning I woke up, snuggled to dallas, like always. I got up and looked at dallas sleeping so peaceful "You awake?" I whispered "No" he shoved the pillow over his face "Im gonna go to the curtis' Then i was gonna go back to my house?" He sighed "Do you have too?" I chuckled lightly "Yes, tony is probaly wondering where I am" "you called telling him you were staying for a while, so can you call again?" He had his goofy smile "Or... you could stay there? Its an awful lot closer to the curtis' and theres an extra room for you, if you wanted your own room?" I didnt want to come off as clingy "No... i like waking up to you in my arms. Johnny can have that room, I can stay in yours" he smiled and sat on his bed.

God i felt like we were dating, i wished we were dating. But we weren't.

I started packing all my clothes up and went downstairs to where buck was sitting at the bar reading the paper "Hey buck" i smiled and gave him a side hug considering i dont really like hugs but felt a need to give him one.

"Im going home, Keep dallas okay" he smiled "alrighty" I started my walk to my Home.

I got in and there wasnt yelling like always "Nova!" Pony and soda said in sync "Where Were You! A Week. Barely a word!" Darry yelled "ive gone more than a week, no contact before" "That was before!" "Before what, darrel? Before the only people i have considered parents died? Yes you lost them. Yes they were your real parents but i loved them more than my own and never told them it! Not once, did i tell them what they meant. Not once did they hear me tell them how i would take there place. How i would die a thousand deaths and burn in a firey hell to keep them safe and happy" I was pissed.

I turned and left the cutis house in silence.

I walked to my house and saw tony painting the outside a white.

I waved and he set his roller down "Hey, Nova" he ran over and messed with my hair "hey T-Man" i messed up his hair.

"Wanna help me paint?" "Yea, let me set this inside first" i ran inside and set my bag in my room and went to the fridge to grab something. I didnt see much so settled with a orange. I started to leave when i saw a letter on the counter "Tony. A letter for you!" I said walking outside.

I saw who it was adressed too "Oh, for me. Nevermind" i put the orange in my mouth and opened the letter

"Dear Sweet Nova
Your not so sweet after all but sour. Your sweet and turn sour, but a gkod sour. And addicting sour The type of sour i enjoy being around, thats why im so sorry.
I Know what they meant to you and i know im leaving now aswell and your not gonna like where, so Im gonna let you guess.
Im going somewhere dark but lit.
Somewhere heartwarming but cold.
Somewhere so homey it makes you feel alone.
Somewhere you could live but would die.
Somewhere you could lose yourself but find a thousand others
Somewhere chaotic.
I am going to be back soon, sooner than you will know back to you :). I will be back as fast as i can, i need to settle some things first.
Do NOT come and find me"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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