Chapter Two. You Can Fall, But you must Rise

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"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." — Winston S. Churchill

I opened my eyes to see bright flashing lights and a man on top of me beating my heart for me.

I felt something on my mouth, most likily something to breath for me. my eyes were yet to open and i couldnt feel below my waist i could barely feel my arms.

I let my soul lay arest from all the pain.

I opened my eyes to see everyone in the gang out in the waiting room. I invited them in but its like they couldnt see me, that they were staring right through me.

They got up and left, i watched as my family left me, i listened as they said they didnt care for me and spoke harshly towards me.

I finaly opened my eyes and gasped for breath, dallas was right by me, on the other side was soda.

I felt myself clinging to someone and not letting go, i dont really know who or why.

The person pulled back after a moment and revealed it was dallas, I was happy they were there but still felt empty.

"My parents. Where are they?" "Im there own room, rest now" soda had a unusually serious voice.

I ignored him and started to pull the many many tubes from my arms but soda stopped me by grabbed one hand and dallas the other.

"I want to see my parents, please!" I heard beeping from the room next to mine and docters and nurses rushing over.

"Time of death 1:03 Pm" I heard a nurse call out, I didnt give it much thought.

The curtis parents came into me room "Hey sweetie" The mothers words felt could but i knew she didnt mean them to be.

I looked at her "Hi, Mrs Curtis" he sat down in a chair "doc said, your gonna be alright" The dad said joining her.

"Are my parents?" It was dead silence after that, it felt the entire would stopped talking "Your Father, He. He has it worse, he managed to shove you and your mother out of the way but couldnt do so to himself" "and my mother" God all you care about is your mother! I yelled at myself.

"She, is. Critical" she looked like it pained her deeply "Can someone call my brother?" "Yes" Their father said standing up.

--- Mr Curtis POV---

"Time of death. 1:03 Pm" I felt my world crash down, The Princetons were a second family to me. I looked in through the window to see a nurse putting something over James, I felt a hole in my heart but followed My wife into Novas room.

As sat down after Her and didnt hear what they were saying, all i could think was My best friend was dead. I finally zoned back in when they asked for us to Call David.

I stood up "Yes" i just had to leave.

I walked out and went to the phone, I found his number and dialed it "Srg Rick, speaking" "can i speak to david princeton" "He already used his one Call" "Please, His fathers dead, mothers critical, and his sister is very very injured" i heard a sigh "I will go get him"

"Princeton!" I heard a muffled voice Yell

"Sir Yes Sir" i heard again before the phone was handed off "Hello, David Princeton speaking" "Its Mr Curtis" "Hello" "Listen" i sighed "Your Father, He" i pushed back the tears "Time of death, 1:03 Pm"i didnt know what else to say, i couldnt. I felt warm wet tears soaking my face.

"He's, Dead?" "Yes" i wiped the tears but they kept flowing.

"Your mother is, critical and your sister is not as bad as them but is very bad, you deserved to know" "Is, She gonna die?" "Mother is a high chance but your sister is 50/50" I heard the phone beep letting me know he hung up.

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