Chapter 6- Step 5 'Jealous' and Curve Balls

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Alex above^

"A wise person knows that there is something to be learned from everyone."





There are many reasons why you want to make someone jealous, whether it's to do with them or someone else. Nobody likes to be jealous because it's a weird feeling, you hate yourself and them for doing it. You then start to think why are they hanging out with them? why does he smile when ever she talks to him? Why do they always hang around each other? But if your the person making someone jealous you don't think of what might happen, how things will turn out or if you're in the wrong. You only think of what you WISH would happen and to be real with you guys, hardly ever does it work out like you wish it would. Life likes to throw you curve balls, they can come at the worst time in your life or they can come at the best time. They can be good or bad too, they can come at a time in your life when everything seem perfect then


Curve ball.

They can come in the worst time in your life and they can be the best thing ever. Then life seems to be perfect until another curve call comes. They can also came at a time when everything seems perfect and then a really bad curve ball comes.

Or they can be expected or extremely unknown, things can seem great, you're ready to leave for a huge trip, one week to be exact, you're so excited, you're going to all the places you've always wanted to go, Italy, Germany, America, Canada, Switzerland and many others, you start counting down days soon you'll be counting down hours. But then out of nowhere you get a call, a call that could, does change everything. The call is something you, yourself don't quite understand until someone from your family explains it to you, they break it down, tell you how it happened and what could happen and what might happen. At this moment in life this seem unknown , you don't know if things will happen for the good or if things turn out for the bad. Your family makes a choice, to go on the trip or not to go, they choose to go and try and enjoy it as much as you can. Life seems good just for a little moment, it was hard leaving at such a time, there was many tears shed and many broken hearts. For a while life seems great, traveling from city, visiting places you've always wanted to go, but once you get back to the hotel, things seem to become sad, whenever you hear the phone ring everyone holds their breath, waiting to hear what has happened or how things are going. It's moments like that when you realize how far away you are from home, how far it is from your loved ones and friends. Night become scary for me, it's when my nightmares came alive. I was thinking of suddenly dying or getting killed, the news was something I hated watching, I hated seeing what was going on. I started feeling like something bad was going to happen which it did. About half way though our trip, in Berlin I think, My grandpa died, He was the life of the party, he always had a smile on his face, you could the tininess thing and he would be proud of us. We used to go out for dinner to celebrate our report cards, I never realized how much those dinners would mean to me until he was gone. I can't remember his laugh anymore, being half way around the world didn't help either, I couldn't picture a world without him and now he's gone. There's only pictures now, I always feel like I'm letting him down, I feel like I can do better, I want to help people but I haven't experienced enough to know but when I can't help I feel soo bad. The last time I talked to him was the Sunday before we left, he didn't look sick, he looked like he's normal self. I would have never guessed that he would have a stroke. He was unique, so unique that he's stroke was unique, so unique that he was the second in the world to have it in this part of his brain. I went to see him in the hospital, he couldn't open his eyes, he wasn't breathing on his own but his hands were soo warm and he knew we were there, he would squeeze my hand, I can't still remember, his face had colour, he wasn't pale or lifeless. My pa was there, he was fighting, he tried his best. but I wish I could see him again. I wish I could tell him how much I love him and hug him one more time. I wish he didn't have to leave like this, I wanted him to be there to meet my first boyfriend, I wanted him to be at my wedding, crying as he sees his little granddaughter happy, I wanted him to meet his greatgrandbaby. I wanted to stay with me and my family, I wanted him to come back, I wanted him to wake up but he didn't and it's okay, He tired his best and I'm okay with that.

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